August 9th, 2011

Mono for Android 1.0.2 – First Update by Xamarin

We have just released the first update to Mono for Android by Xamarin.  This update contains fixes to many problems that were affecting our users. We encourage developers to upgrade to this release.  We have many more fixes coming in a future release, but we wanted to get some critical fixes to our community right away.

The main changes in 1.0.2:

  • System.Data.Services.Client.dll is now included.
  • System.IO.IsolatedStorage is now included.
  • Bug fixes in Garbage Collection
  • Various bug fixes

Check our release notes for all the details.

Installing this update:

On Mac:

Use MonoDevelop and the go to  Help → Check for Updates, or you can download directly from the Customer Self Service.

On Windows:

Download monoandroid-1.0.2.msi and install.


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