September 5th, 2017

Explore iOS 11 Previews Today

Since the announcement of iOS 11 at WWDC, we’ve been working on providing the new APIs as web previews with Xamarin.iOS from our releases blog. To help you get started building apps with the new iOS 11 APIs, we’ve put together an Introduction to iOS 11 guide covering new features in iOS 11. We’ll regularly update our iOS 11 content, so be sure to check back for new updates!

New App Store app added in iOS 11

iOS 11

iPhone using Vision framework iOS 11 brings some exciting new frameworks to the platform. You can create augmented reality applications with ARKit. Apps can take advantage of machine learning, using CoreML to leverage trained models for solving complex problems. Coupled with the Vision framework, apps can recognize faces, text, and identify features in photos using free models from Apple. You can find more examples on our iOS 11 samples page.


Visit our Introduction to iOS 11 documentation for details on how to download the latest Xamarin tools to start supporting iOS 11 in your applications. You’ll need to install the latest Xcode 9 Beta from the Apple Developer Portal. We encourage your feedback on any issues be filed as a bug and let us know what APIs you want to see bound; you can keep up-to-date on our binding status page.

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