I’ve just posted a final set of chapters (Chapters 25 – 31). This completes our conversion efforts and you now have access to entire sample code from Petzold’s book in VB. I would like to thank Evan and Ged who have been working with me on this. You guys rock!!!
A few things to note:
- I moved all the code to the new MSDN Code Gallery. This is a central place where we can share sample applications and code snippets. You can also participate and contribute your own sample code. I’ve created a new gallery just for Petzold VB Sampe code. You can access it at http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/petzoldsamplevb.
- I also updated the main page here (http://blogs.msdn.com/vbteam/pages/Petzold-WPF-VB-Samples.aspx) to point to the code gallery page.
- In case you haven’t noticed, Chapter 20 was missing XAMLCruncher project. We were having a bit of problem getting it property converted to VB. Ged was able to complete the conversion and I’ve uploaded the updated ZIP file for Chapter 20 which includes the XAMLCruncher project. Be sure to read the README.txt file to find out how you can address the potential issue of running the application in Debug mode from VS.
Hope you enjoy this!
Young Joo