February 9th, 2014

Weekend Scripter: My Very First PowerShell Saturday!

Doctor Scripto

Summary: Windows PowerShell MVP reports from the field on his first visit to North Carolina and Windows PowerShell Saturday.

NOTE: Sean became sick, and was unable to attend the PowerShell Saturday event. However, if he had attended, this is what would have happened. We wish Sean a speedy recovery.

Honorary Scripting Guy, Sean Kearney, here…recovering from an over-poweringly cool day! PowerShell people, PowerShell people there! Scripters, automaters, everywhere! It was like going to a mini-PowerShell Summit!

Image of logo

It started off my flight from Ottawa, and I was picked up by none other than fellow MVP and birthday buddy, Jim “Beefarino” Christopher. Here is a photo of Beefarino:

Photo of Jim Christopher

He looked at my ticket questioningly, “Sean, it says this is for an adult…and well, you’re…”

Yeah, he got me there. I’m me.

An uneventful drive other than Jim wondering if he could tie a Windows PowerShell module into his car for automated driving. I began quickly eyeing the nearest and safest way to jump out (ala Dukes of Hazzard). I thought better of it, and simply poured water on Jim’s laptop.

“Safety first!” I cried to the sky, as sparks and the smell of ozone filled the air with the remains of Jim’s laptop.

So we arrived for dinner with Ed, Theresa, and other Windows PowerShell peeps at the coolest place for a Windows PowerShell dude or dudette to hang out…the Scripting Guy’s house! OK. Redmond is cool, but hanging out at Ed’s house for a Windows PowerShell person is right on par (in my opinion) with chilling at Bill Gates’. Except I’ve never been to the Gates Uber House of Coolness. Here are a couple of Posh Peeps hanging out with the Scripting Wife:

Photo of friends

So the next day started off with crowds pouring in the front doors. Eyes scampering wildly to see what the day held in store. Personally, I knew that I wanted to see three key sessions: the Goatee PFE and Beefarino were at the top of my list, along with Ed. I wanted to see these guys in action.

I looked around, “Hey! Where’s Oisin?” puzzled because I thought Oisin was supposed to be here.

Jim looked over shrugging his shoulders, “He’s at SharePoint Saturday in Montreal today.”

Note to self. Take a train run to Montreal next year and twist all the SharePoint Saturday signs to point to North Carolina.

But back to PowerShell Saturday! As the day went on and the midday lunch snackies went by, my time to present was coming up.

“Oh, no! I’m presenting! What if they don’t like me? What if I fall off the podium? What if the Wicked Witch of the West scoops me up? What if Mark Russinovich shuts off the lights with Windows PowerShell?!?”

Panic began to grip me. I sought out Emergency exits, tried to disguise myself as a janitor. But at each exit was a Microsoft rep holding my picture in their hands. “If this guy tries to escape, bolt him to the podium,” the warning read.

So at 1:50 PM, I found myself chained and bolted to the podium. I launched my laptop, breathed in and out of a paper bag until it exploded, and began to settle.

I opened into my presentation: PowerShell Desired State Configuration for Beginners. The audience was quiet and attentive. There were some puzzle looks and a few chuckles when the “Underpants Gnomes” song appeared over the speakers as I began to explain the three basic stages of Desired State Configuration. But I could tell the audience was all getting the gist of it.

At the end, Jim came by, unchained me, and handed me my reward: one can of Red Bull. “Now go outside and drink it like a good little Kraken.”

Yes what a day! Final moments that spring to mind were:

  • Singing along with Ed Wilson and others “I’d Like to Teach the World to Script” to the tune of “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing.” I’m pretty certain that although our voices weren’t on key, our spirits were. I’m also relatively certain we scared off most of the local wildlife.
  • Celebrating afterwards with the other speakers at a nice dinner with our good friends, the Scripting Guy and the Scripting Wife at their home.

Of course the trip home was more interesting. I travelled light, and the temperature in Ottawa was still well below zero, so I carried my 400-fill coat with me towards the security checkpoint.

“I know we had snow down here,” muttered security, “But I didn’t think we had THAT much snow.”

Then glancing at my ticket, he saw the final destination, “Ah, never mind. I see you’re going back to Canada. Cold up there, is it?”

I just smiled. Cold it was, but I wouldn’t be able to feel it, with my heart and spirits warmed up from this day.

I invite you to follow the Scripting Guys on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send an email to the Scripting Guys at scripter@microsoft.com, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then just remember, the Power of Shell is in You.

Sean Kearney, Windows PowerShell MVP and Honorary Scripting Guy                                                                                                                                                                                          


The "Scripting Guys" is a historical title passed from scripter to scripter. The current revision has morphed into our good friend Doctor Scripto who has been with us since the very beginning.


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