May 20th, 2012

The Scripting Guys Reveal Their TechEd 2012 Schedule

Doctor Scripto

Summary: The Scripting Guys reveal their Microsoft TechEd 2012 schedule and all the Windows PowerShell goodness thereof. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Yesterday we played WhatIf with the Scripting Wife about what sessions she would choose to attend at TechEd 2012 if she was not involved in meeting and greeting people at the Scripting Guys booth. Today, I am going to share my real schedule. Hope to see you at some of these sessions and events. Please don’t be shy come on by and say, “Hi.” Pre TechEd 2012: Friday night, June 8: I will be at the speaker’s dinner for SQLSaturday #132 in Pensacola, FL. Saturday, June 9: I will be speaking at and attending other sessions at SQLSaturday #132 in Pensacola, FL.

At Microsoft TechEd 2012 in Orlando

Here is what I plan to be doing during TechEd 2012…

Sunday, June 10

Morning Registration 11:00 AM

Sign off on the Scripting Guys booth 12:30 PM – 5:00 PM

INETA Community Leadership Summit 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM 

The Krewe Meet N Greet

Monday, June 11

7:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Breakfast 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Keynote Session 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Scripting Guys booth in the Connect zone 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Lunch 3:00 PM – 4:15 PM

PowerShell Remoting in Depth | WCL403 4:45 PM – 6:00 PM

The Network Files, Case #53: Diagnosing Diseases of DNS | WSV313 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Scripting Guys booth with the following guest schedule: 6:00 PM

Special guest at the Scripting Guys booth will be Don Jones. Be sure to come by, say hello, and get an autograph. 7:00 PM

Special guests, Rohn Edwards and Lido Paglia, winners from the 2012 Scripting Games. 7:30 PM

Blain Barton will be at the Scripting Guys booth to interview Rohn and Lido about their experiences in the 2012 Scripting Games for IT Time-TechNet Radio.

Tuesday, June 12 

10:00 AM

Blain Barton interviews me at the O’Reilly booth just prior to a book signing for IT Time-TechNet Radio. 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Book signing at the O’Reilly booth 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Lunch 12:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Scripting Guys booth 6:15-9PM

Scripting Guys area at Community Night in North Hall B

Wednesday, June 13

8:30 AM – 9:45 AM

Group Policy Reporting and Analysis with Windows PowerShell | WSV415 10:30 AM – 3:00 PM

Scripting Guys booth                 10:30 AM

Special guest at the Scripting Guys booth, Jeffery Hicks, so come by and meet ‘n greet with Jeffery. 3:15 PM – 4:30 PM

Windows PowerShell Best Practices | BOF11-ITP  

I am cohosting this session with Don Jones. 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM

Advanced Automation Using Windows PowerShell 3.0 | WSV414

Thursday, June 14

        10:30 AM – 2:00 PM 

Scripting Guys booth

2:45 PM-4:00 PM Windows PowerShell Best Practices (repeating from 6/13 at 3:15pm)  BOF11-ITP-R

         7:30 PM – 12:00 AM

Closing Party

Friday, June 15

8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Build a Solution on Windows PowerShell 3.0 at the a Rosen Center And to conclude the week with more Windows PowerShell goodness…

Off to Jacksonville, FL for the Jacksonville IT Pro Camp speaker’s dinner. Saturday, June 16  8:00 AM – 5:00 PM  

I will attend and speak at the Jacksonville IT Pro Camp. Some special notes… The Scripting Guys booth will have two people at all times, and about half the time, there will be three people there. Besides myself and Teresa (The Scripting Wife), Daniel Cruz will be joining us to answer your questions and to interact with you. A big THANK YOU to Dan for volunteering to help out this year. I will update this page with information about more special guests that will be showing up at the booth. So bookmark this page so you can keep track of the schedule during the week of TechEd 2012 in Orlando. I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send email to me at, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, peace. Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy 


The "Scripting Guys" is a historical title passed from scripter to scripter. The current revision has morphed into our good friend Doctor Scripto who has been with us since the very beginning.


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