November 29th, 2012

The Impromptu PowerShell Summit in Zurich

Summary: I talk about meeting up with MOW, Fermin, and other friends in Zurich.

Well, the Scripting Wife and I arrived in Zurich following our excursion to CERN. It was a beautiful train trip, and I was able to get a decent amount of work completed on my new Windows PowerShell 3.0 book. Our hotel in Zurich was probably the best one in which we have stayed this trip (thanks to lots of hotel points), and it set the stage perfectly for our impromptu Windows PowerShell summit. Here is a picture of one of the trains taken from our hotel window … pretty cool huh …

Zurich train

Originally, the plan was to visit my old mentor Hans Reh, an architect in Microsoft Premier Field Engineering (PFE), and to see our old friend Rolf Kerscher. Rolf was the person responsible for organizing many of my German PowerShell workshops in the past, and he did an excellent job. Over the years, we became really good friends – he is a perfect gentleman. Here is a picture of Hans, Teresa, and Rolf at the Microsoft office.

Hans, Teresa, and Rolf

Of course, Teresa had her Windows Surface with her. Rolf had not seen one as they are difficult to obtain in Switzerland right now. Here is Teresa demonstrating the Surface to Rolf.

Teresa and Rolf with Windows Surface

Hans, Rolf, Teresa, and I went out to an awesome restaurant for lunch high in the Alps. I was then planning on returning to the hotel to work on my PowerShell book. But here is what happened … While at the Microsoft Office, and while Teresa was demonstrating her Microsoft Surface, she made a Facebook posting and a Tweet that we were hanging out at the Microsoft office in Zurich.

Now for the cool part … Microsoft PowerShell MVP Marc van Orsouw (MOW) responded to Teresa and asked if we would like to get together? Would we? Why, of course. Before our plans were solidified, however, Fermin Sanchez also replied that he was teaching a Windows Server 2012 class near the Microsoft office, and that he would like to get together as well … well, DUDE!!!!! So we told him that if he could come to our hotel, we would love to meet him. Here’s a photo of Marc and me in the lobby of our hotel.

Ed and MOW

We headed up to the club lounge of our hotel, and quickly the conversation turned to the Microsoft Surface (MOW somehow was able to score one – a feat my Microsoft colleagues had not accomplished). We then migrated to talking about Windows PowerShell. We were soon joined by Fermin, and had a great time. I will be writing about some of the cool things we talked about in future posts. Here is a picture of our impromptu Zurich PowerShell summit (thanks to the club lounge hostess for taking a picture of all of us).

Impromptu Zurich PowerShell summit



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