Summary: Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, talks about running a Windows PowerShell workflow on a remote computer.
Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. This morning it is beautiful outside. I am sitting on the porch sipping a cup of English Breakfast tea. I made a pot this morning, and I added some orange peel, Meyer lemon, and a bit of hibiscus flower to give it a nice tangy flavor.
The Scripting Wife is still at the MVP Summit in Seattle, so I had to head to a local bakery to score some scones for breakfast. I found some really nice cinnamon scones, but they also had cinnamon sugar drizzled over the top—so I had to scratch that junk off. But after I had groomed the scone, it went well with the tea.
Speaking of grooming stuff…
One of the cool things about running a Windows PowerShell workflow through a remote server is that I can access modules that may not be available to my client machine. I can also employ alternate credentials.
In my example today, there are actually four computers. The client machine is C1 and it is the computer from where I run the workflow. I target the domain controller, DC1, to be my workflow server. I do this by creating a PS Workflow Session on the target machine. This is really easy. Because I want to specify alternate credentials when I create the workflow session, I use the –Credential parameter in my command. I store the resultant session in a variable that I call $wfs. Here is the line of script:
$wfs = New-PSWorkflowSession -ComputerName DC1 -Credential Nwtraders\administrator
The domain controller, DC1, is the workflow server. It is the server that uses Windows PowerShell workflow to run commands on remote servers.
I use the Invoke-Command cmdlet, and I specify the session I just created. In my script block, I import two modules. I created the first one yesterday (Workflow-Install-Uninstall.psm1 module). It resides on a server as a shared resource, and therefore, it is easily accessible. When I call Import-Module, I specify the full path to the module.
The second module is ActiveDirectory, and I do not need to import because it will automatically load when I call Get-ADComputer. But because I am loading modules, I may as well load this one. Here is the script:
Invoke-Command -Session $wfs -ScriptBlock {
Import-Module \\dc1\Share\PoshModules\Workflow-Install-Uninstall-ISE.psm1 -verbose
Import-module ActiveDirectory}
The two target servers are S1 and S2, but I do not specify the computer names directly. Instead, I find the computer names by using the Get-ADComputer cmdlet from the ActiveDirectory module. It is more efficient to obtain computer names from Active Directory, because the list is always up-to-date, and it avoids a lot of typing.
Because the servers begin with the letter “S” and are followed by a number, I use a regular expression for a pattern filter. I do this by piping all returned computer objects to the Where-Object command, and as shown here, I store the resultant matches in the $cn variable:
$cn = Get-ADComputer -Filter * |
Where Name -match 'S[0-9]'
The last thing I need to do is to call the specific workflow from the module I loaded earlier. That script is shown here:
Invoke-Command -Session $wfs {UnInstall-ISE -pscomputername $ -AsJob}
For the computer names, I need to select the Name property from the computer objects I stored in the $cn variable. The –pscomputername parameter is an automatic parameter that appears in workflow commands.
Because I retrieve the computer names from the DC1 computer, they are local objects. To bring the local objects into the work flow, I need to use the $using directive. The –AsJob parameter means that I will create a Windows PowerShell job, and therefore, I can manage the process with the Job cmdlets.
Here is the basic drawing for my example today:
Here is he complete script for today’s example:
$wfs = New-PSWorkflowSession -ComputerName DC1 -Credential Nwtraders\administrator
Invoke-Command -Session $wfs -ScriptBlock {
Import-Module \\dc1\Share\PoshModules\Workflow-Install-Uninstall-ISE.psm1 -verbose
Import-module ActiveDirectory}
$cn = Get-ADComputer -Filter * |
Where Name -match 'S[0-9]'
Invoke-Command -Session $wfs {UnInstall-ISE -pscomputername $ -AsJob}
That is all there is to using Windows PowerShell to remotely run a workflow. Workflow Week will continue tomorrow when I will talk about more cool stuff.
I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send email to me at, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, peace.
Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy