Summary: Use Tab completion to type WMI class names in Windows PowerShell.
I am using WMI in the Windows PowerShell console and in the Windows PowerShell ISE, and I am having a hard time
correctly typing the long convoluted class names. How can I simplify the process and be more accurate?
Use the Get-CimInstance cmdlet instead of the Get-WmiObject cmdlet. One advantage (among many) of the
Get-CimInstance cmdlet is that it will do Tab completion on WMI class names.
(The alias for Get-CimInstance cmdlet is GCIM.)
GCIM <tab> #
(cycles through the WMI classes in the default root\cimv2 WMI namespace)
GCIM Win32_P<tab> #
(cycles through WMI class names beginning with the letter P (such as, Win32_PageFile)