Summary: Use Windows PowerShell to view all trace sources.
How can I use Windows PowerShell to see all available trace sources?
Use Get-TraceSource cmdlet:
Get-TraceSource | Select Name, Description
PS C:> get-tracesource | Select Name, Description
Name Description
—- ———–
CertificateProvider The core command provider for certificates
CmdletProviderClasses The namespace provider base classes tracer
CmdletProviderContext The context under which a core command is being run.
CommandDiscovery Traces the discovery of cmdlets, scripts, functions, app…
CommandHelpProvider CommandHelpProvider
CommandSearch CommandSearch
ConsoleControl Console control methods
ConsoleHost ConsoleHost subclass of S.M.A.PSHost
ConsoleHostRunspaceInit Initialization code for ConsoleHost’s Runspace
ConsoleHostUserInterface Console host’s subclass of S.M.A.Host.Console
ConsoleLineOutput ConsoleLineOutput
DisplayDataQuery DisplayDataQuery
ETS Extended Type System
FileSystemProvider The namespace navigation provider for the file system
FormatFileLoading Loading format files
FormatInfoDataClassFactory FormatInfoDataClassFactory
FormatViewBinding Format view binding
GetHelpCommand GetHelpCommand
InternalDeserializer InternalDeserializer class
LocationGlobber The location globber converts PowerShell paths with glob…
MemberResolution Traces the resolution from member name to the member. A …
Modules Module loading and analysis
MshSnapinLoadUnload Loading and unloading mshsnapins
NativeCommandParameterBinder The parameter binder for native commands
NavigationCommands The namespace navigation tracer
ParameterBinderBase Abstract helper class for the CommandProcessor that bi…
ParameterBinderControlle r Controls the interaction between the command processor a…
ParameterBinding Traces the process of binding the arguments to the param…
PathResolution Traces the path resolution algorithm.
PSDriveInfo The namespace navigation tracer
PSSnapInLoadUnload Loading and unloading mshsnapins
RegistryProvider Namespace navigation provider for the Windows Registry
RunspaceInit Initialization code for Runspace
SessionState SessionState Class
SessionStateProvider Providers that produce a view of session state data
TypeConversion Traces the type conversion algorithm
TypeMatch F&O TypeMatch