Summary: Use Windows PowerShell to troubleshoot errors with Windows PowerShell.
How can I use Windows PowerShell to troubleshoot issues with Windows PowerShell?
Use the Get-WinEvent cmdlet to parse the Windows PowerShell log. For example, to find all errors in a Windows PowerShell log:
In Windows PowerShell 3.0:
Get-WinEvent -LogName *powershell* | where leveldisplayname -eq ‘error’
In Windows PowerShell 2.0:
Get-WinEvent -LogName *powershell* | where {$_.LevelDisplayName -eq ‘error’}
You can also group by the error ID to get an idea of how often a particular error appears:
In Windows PowerShell 3.0:
Get-WinEvent -LogName *powershell* | where leveldisplayname -eq ‘error’ | group id
In Windows PowerShell 2.0:
Get-WinEvent -LogName *powershell* | where {$_.LevelDisplayName -eq ‘error’} | group id