Summary: Learn how to use a couple of functions to find quickly virtual machine network adapter information by using Windows PowerShell 3.0.
How can I find information about all network adapters used by all virtual machines running Windows Server 2012 with the Hyper-V role?
Pipe the results of Get-VM to the Get-VMNetworkAdapter function, as shown here.
17:34 C:\> get-vm -comp hyperv3 | Get-VMNetworkAdapter
Name IsManagementOs VMName SwitchName MacAddress Status IPAddresses
—- ————– —— ———- ———- —— ———–
Network Adapter False dc3 external 00155D002D15 {Ok} {192.168…
Network Adapter False dc4 external 00155D002D13 {Ok} {192.168…
Network Adapter False Ex1 external 00155D002D14 {Ok} {192.168…
Network Adapter False server2012 external 00155D002D12 {}
Network Adapter False web1 external 00155D002D16 {Ok} {192.168…