Summary: Use Windows PowerShell 3.0 on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 to find the size of disks, partitions, and volumes.
How can I find disk space information for disks, partitions, and volumes on Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012?
Use the Get-Disk, Get-Partition, and Get-Volume functions.
Note This command requires Admin rights.
An example is shown here:
15:23 C:\> Get-Disk | Get-Partition | Get-Volume
DriveLetter FileSystemLabel FileSystem DriveType HealthStatus SizeRemaining Size
———– ———– ———- ——— ———– ———– —-
E FAT32 Removable Healthy 3.74 GB 3.74 GB
System R… NTFS Fixed Healthy 108.76 MB 350 MB
C NTFS Fixed Healthy 95.03 GB 148.71 GB