Summary: Learn how to replace items in an array and how to sort an array.
I need to replace the “2” with “12” in the $array variable shown here:
$array = “1”,”2″,”3″,”4″
How can I do this?
- $array=[regex]::replace($array,”2″,”12″)
- $array = $array -replace “2”,”12″
- $array.SetValue(“12”,1)
I have an array defined in the $array variable shown here.
$array = 2,5,9,12,3,5
What is the easiest way to sort the array?
1. Sort the array by using the sort static method from the [array] .NET Framework class.
2. Pipe the array to the Sort-Object cmdlet, and store the results back in the $array variable.
$array = $array | sort