Summary: Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, talks about comparing CIM and Windows PowerShell. Hey, Scripting Guy! When I query using a CIM function, I get back different stuff than when I query WMI. I don’t get it. Can you help? —BW Hello BW, Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Yesterday in Working with Volumes in CIM, I began talking about WMI and CIM. Let’s continue by looking more in depth at what happens with Get-Volume and Win32_Volume. Anyone who has done a lot of work with WMI and with Windows PowerShell knows about types and type data. For example, when I query the WIN32_BIOS WMI class, only a certain amount of information returns. This is shown here:
PS C:> Get-WmiObject win32_Bios
SMBIOSBIOSVersion : Hyper-V UEFI Release v1.0
Manufacturer : Microsoft Corporation
Name : Hyper-V UEFI Release v1.0
SerialNumber : 6591-2614-0518-3297-7423-5669-65
Version : VRTUAL – 1 If I want to look at more in-depth information, I can pipe the output to the Format-List cmdlet, and it will return all of the information, as shown here:
PS C:> Get-WmiObject win32_Bios | fl *
PSComputerName : C1
Status : OK
Name : Hyper-V UEFI Release v1.0
Caption : Hyper-V UEFI Release v1.0
SMBIOSPresent : True
__GENUS : 2
__CLASS : Win32_BIOS
__DYNASTY : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
__RELPATH : Win32_BIOS.Name=”Hyper-V UEFI Release
v1.0″,SoftwareElementID=”Hyper-V UEFI Release v1.0″,
SoftwareElementState=3,TargetOperatingSystem=0,Version=”VRTUAL – 1″
__DERIVATION : {CIM_BIOSElement, CIM_SoftwareElement, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
__NAMESPACE : rootcimv2
__PATH : \C1rootcimv2:Win32_BIOS.Name=”Hyper-V UEFI Release
v1.0″,SoftwareElementID=”Hyper-V UEFI Release v1.0″,
SoftwareElementState=3,TargetOperatingSystem=0,Version=”VRTUAL – 1″
BiosCharacteristics : {3, 9, 15, 16…}
BIOSVersion : {VRTUAL – 1, Hyper-V UEFI Release v1.0, EDK II – 10000}
BuildNumber :
CodeSet :
CurrentLanguage :
Description : Hyper-V UEFI Release v1.0
IdentificationCode :
InstallableLanguages :
InstallDate :
LanguageEdition :
ListOfLanguages :
Manufacturer : Microsoft Corporation
OtherTargetOS :
PrimaryBIOS : True
ReleaseDate : 20121126000000.000000+000
SerialNumber : 6591-2614-0518-3297-7423-5669-65
SMBIOSBIOSVersion : Hyper-V UEFI Release v1.0
SMBIOSMajorVersion : 2
SMBIOSMinorVersion : 4
SoftwareElementID : Hyper-V UEFI Release v1.0
SoftwareElementState : 3
TargetOperatingSystem : 0
Version : VRTUAL – 1
Scope : System.Management.ManagementScope
Path : \C1rootcimv2:Win32_BIOS.Name=”Hyper-V UEFI Release
v1.0″,SoftwareElementID=”Hyper-V UEFI Release v1.0″,
SoftwareElementState=3,TargetOperatingSystem=0,Version=”VRTUAL – 1″
Options : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
ClassPath : \C1rootcimv2:Win32_BIOS
Properties : {BiosCharacteristics, BIOSVersion, BuildNumber, Caption…}
SystemProperties : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY…}
Qualifiers : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
Site :
Container : The default properties that are displayed are the result of type data for the specific WMI class. I can find this by using the Get-TypeData cmdlet. Here is an example that tells me that I do, in fact, have specific type data for the WMI class:
PS C:> “*win32_bios*” | Get-TypeData
TypeName Members
——– ——-
System.Management.ManagementObject#r… {}
Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure…. {} I can look at this in more detail, by piping the results to the Format-List cmdlet:
S C:> “*win32_bios*” | Get-TypeData | fl *
TypeName : System.Management.ManagementObject#rootcimv2 Win32_BIOS
Members : {}
TypeConverter :
TypeAdapter :
IsOverride : False
SerializationMethod :
TargetTypeForDeserialization :
SerializationDepth : 0
DefaultDisplayProperty :
InheritPropertySerializationSet : False
StringSerializationSource :
DefaultDisplayPropertySet : System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PropertySetData
DefaultKeyPropertySet :
PropertySerializationSet :
TypeName : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#root/cimv2/Win32_BIOS
Members : {}
TypeConverter :
TypeAdapter :
IsOverride : False
SerializationMethod :
TargetTypeForDeserialization :
SerializationDepth : 0
DefaultDisplayProperty :
InheritPropertySerializationSet : False
StringSerializationSource :
DefaultDisplayPropertySet : System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PropertySetData
DefaultKeyPropertySet :
PropertySerializationSet : But, what I really want to look at is DefaultDisplayPropertySet. This property is what governs the properties that return by default when I query the Win32_Bios cmdlet. So, I look at the property:
PS C:> (“*win32_bios*” | Get-TypeData).defaultdisplaypropertyset
{SMBIOSBIOSVersion, Manufacturer, Name, SerialNumber…}
{SMBIOSBIOSVersion, Manufacturer, Name, SerialNumber…} It is one more level to get the ReferencedProperties. This is shown here:
PS C:> (“*win32_bios*” | Get-TypeData).defaultdisplaypropertyset.referencedproperties
Version If you look closely, you will see that there are two sets of the same five properties. This is because I have two instances of type data. One is for WMI the other is for CIM.
PS C:> (“*win32_bios*” | Get-TypeData).typename
Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#root/cimv2/Win32_BIOS At the beginning of this post, I used Get-WMIObject to query Win32_Bios. As shown here, if I use Get-CimInstance, the output is the same:
PS C:> Get-CimInstance Win32_BIOS
SMBIOSBIOSVersion : Hyper-V UEFI Release v1.0
Manufacturer : Microsoft Corporation
Name : Hyper-V UEFI Release v1.0
SerialNumber : 6591-2614-0518-3297-7423-5669-65
Version : VRTUAL – 1 What about Win32_Volume and Get-Volume? Well, we have a completely different WMI namespace. I can discover this by looking at the TypeName from Get-Member:
PS C:> Get-Volume | gm
TypeName: Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#ROOT/Microsoft/Win
Name MemberType Definition
—- ———- ———-
Clone Method System.Object ICloneable.Clone()
Dispose Method void Dispose(), void IDisposable.Di…
Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetCimSessionComputerName Method string GetCimSessionComputerName()
GetCimSessionInstanceId Method guid GetCimSessionInstanceId()
GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
GetObjectData Method void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.S…
GetType Method type GetType()
ToString Method string ToString()
DriveLetter Property char DriveLetter {get;}
FileSystem Property string FileSystem {get;}
FileSystemLabel Property string FileSystemLabel {get;set;}
ObjectId Property string ObjectId {get;}
Path Property string Path {get;}
PSComputerName Property string PSComputerName {get;}
Size Property uint64 Size {get;}
SizeRemaining Property uint64 SizeRemaining {get;}
DriveType ScriptProperty System.Object DriveType {get=switch…
HealthStatus ScriptProperty System.Object HealthStatus {get=swi… Notice, that the TypeName is a CimInstance, like one of the types for the Win32_Bios class. But notice that this also is in Root/Microsoft/Windows/Storage WMI namespace. This namespace is why Win32_Volume does not work on a computer running Windows 7, even though it may have Windows PowerShell 4.0 installed. If I look for type data related to *volume*, I find four different types—but only one that is related to MSFT_Volume and none related to Win32_Volume. This is shown here:
PS C:> (“*volume*” | Get-TypeData).TypeName
Microsoft.FailoverClusters.PowerShell.ClusterSharedVolume When I query Get-Volume, I get a nice clean output:
PS C:> Get-Volume
DriveLetter FileSystemLabel FileSystem DriveType HealthStatus SizeRemaining Size
———– ———– ———- ——— ———- ———- —-
C NTFS Fixed Healthy 108.53 GB 126.48 GB
E NEW VOLUME FAT32 Fixed Healthy 1.52 GB 1.99 GB
Recovery NTFS Fixed Healthy 59.83 MB 300 MB
D CD-ROM Healthy 0 B 0 B But, if I query Win32_Volume, I get back the WMI class, but not any formatted data. This is true even if I use Get-CimInstance. This is shown here:
PS C:> Get-CimInstance win32_volume
Caption : C:
Description :
InstallDate :
Name : C:
Status :
Availability :
ConfigManagerErrorCode :
ConfigManagerUserConfig :
CreationClassName :
DeviceID : \?Volume{a6325fa1-0f39-432c-a6db-e6388000463a}
ErrorCleared :
ErrorDescription :
LastErrorCode :
PNPDeviceID :
PowerManagementCapabilities :
PowerManagementSupported :
StatusInfo :
SystemCreationClassName :
SystemName : C1
Access :
BlockSize : 4096
ErrorMethodology :
NumberOfBlocks :
Purpose :
Automount : True
BootVolume : True
Capacity : 135810510848
Compressed &nb