Showing results for Visual Studio Code - Python

Nov 8, 2018

Data Science with Python in Visual Studio Code

Rong Lu Rong Lu

Today we’re very excited to announce the availability of Data Science features in the Python extension for Visual Studio Code! With the addition of these features, you can now work with data interactively in Visual Studio Code, whether it is for exploring data or for incorporating machine learning models into applications, making Visual Studio Code an exciting new option for those who prefer an editor for data science tasks.

Nov 8, 2018

Python in Visual Studio Code – October 2018 Release

Dan Taylor Dan Taylor

We are pleased to announce that the October 2018 release of the Python Extension for Visual Studio Code is now available. In this release we have closed a total of 49 issues, including Jupyter support: import notebooks and run code cells in a Python Interactive window, use new virtual environments without having to restart, code completions in the debug console window, improved completions in language server: recognition of namedtuple, and generic types.

Oct 9, 2018

Python in Visual Studio Code – September 2018 Release

Dan Taylor Dan Taylor

We are pleased to announce that the September 2018 release of the Python Extension for Visual Studio Code is now available. In this release we have closed a total of 45 issues, including automatic activation of environments in the terminal, support for Python environments in split terminals, debugger support for the breakpoint() built-in, improved Go To Definition and Find References in the Python Language Server, reduced CPU and Memory consumption in the Python Language Server.

Sep 5, 2018

Python in Visual Studio Code – August 2018 Release

Dan Taylor Dan Taylor

We are pleased to announce that the August 2018 release of the Python Extension for Visual Studio Code is now available. In this release we have closed a total of 38 issues including the stable release of our ptvsd 4 debugger, improvements to the language server preview, and other fixes.

Jul 18, 2018

Introducing the Python Language Server

Steve Dower Steve Dower

Visual Studio has long been recognized for the quality of its IntelliSense (code analysis and suggestions) across all languages, and has had support for Python since 2011. We are pleased to announce that we are going to be making the Python support available to other tools as the Microsoft Python Language Server. It is available first today in the ...

Jul 18, 2018

Python in Visual Studio Code – June & July 2018 Release

Brett Cannon Brett Cannon

We are pleased to announce that the June & July 2018 releases of the Python Extension for Visual Studio Code is now available from the marketplace and the gallery. Between these two releases we have closed a total of 156 issues including introducing a new experimental language server and gevent support in our experimental debugger.

Jul 17, 2018

New web app tutorials in the VS and VS Code Python docs, and docs feedback

Dan Taylor Dan Taylor

Recognizing the popularity of the Django and Flask web app frameworks, we recently added several tutorials in the Python documentation that guide you through working with these frameworks in Microsoft’s Python-capable IDEs: the lightweight Visual Studio Code available on all operating systems, and the full Visual Studio for Windows. We also wanted to take the opportunity to highlight how you can contribute to docs, and the ways you can give feedback—both of which we very much welcome!

Jun 5, 2018

Python in Visual Studio Code – May 2018 Release

Dan Taylor Dan Taylor

We are pleased to announce that the May 2018 release of the Python Extension for Visual Studio Code is now available from the marketplace and the gallery. In this release we have closed a total of 103 issues including support for the new and popular formatter Black, improvements to the experimental debugger and formatting as you type.

Mar 29, 2018

Python in Visual Studio Code – March 2018 Release

Dan Taylor Dan Taylor

We are pleased to announce that the March 2018 release of the Python Extension for Visual Studio Code is now available from the marketplace and the gallery. You can the download the Python extension from the marketplace, or install it directly from the extension gallery in Visual Studio Code. You can learn more about Python support in Visual Studio...

Mar 8, 2018

Python in Visual Studio Code – Feb 2018 Release

Dan Taylor Dan Taylor

We are pleased to announce that the February 2018 release of the Python Extension for Visual Studio Code is now available from the marketplace and the gallery. You can the download the Python extension from the marketplace, or install it directly from the extension gallery in Visual Studio Code. You can learn more about Python support in Visual ...
