November 20th, 2014

The Value of an ADM

Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Rich Maines, Senior Application Development Manager, discusses how a strategic ADM relationship translates into business value for customers.

What if you could have your own trusted advisor within Microsoft, a resource whose primary responsibility is to maximize the business value of your investments in Microsoft technologies?

The basic charter of Premier Developer is to help customers build the best applications in the most effective ways leveraging Microsoft technology. In order to execute this vision, we provide a resource who has the ability to drive conversations at a higher level to expose opportunities and mitigate risks by looking at an overall solution and how it aligns to your business objectives. Meet the Application Development Manager (ADM).

An ADM identifies areas which can be improved or optimized and helps establish the definition for successful outcomes. Once the desired outcomes are established, the ADM defines a plan of action by mapping appropriate Microsoft services and resources to accomplish your objectives. The ADM works closely with your team to implement the plan using services provided as part of the Premier Developer relationship and adjusts as necessary throughout the software development lifecycle to ensure proper alignment with your goals.

As an example, a recent experience from a Premier Developer customer emphasizes the value of the ADM as a trusted advisor. The customer needed to perform automated load testing of their new platform before releasing to the public. Using proven processes, the ADM was able to decompose their challenges into their component parts and establish an execution plan with clear outcomes to work toward together.

  • The ADM facilitated a 3-day instructor-led training course that provided participants with a wide range of technical information about Visual Studio 2013 Testing Tools. After completing the workshop, the customer had a deep understanding of how best to leverage the advanced features of the Visual Studio test suite.
  • The ADM then engaged an experienced Test Consultant to help design and develop their test plans utilizing Visual Studio 2013. The power of Microsoft Azure was used to provide a cost-effective load testing environment with a pool of test agents running in the cloud, spawning thousands of concurrent requests, dynamically adding and removing resources as needed.
  • The Test Consultant worked side-by-side with the customer at their facility to maximize testing efforts and to ensure that Microsoft proven practices were being followed.

At the completion of the test runs, the customer had identified unknown issues and were able to significantly optimize the application before going live. By using Microsoft Azure and with the knowledge gained from experienced Microsoft consultants, the customer is now better equipped to test multiple scale-up and scale-out configurations to meet future demands. The ADM will continue to be a strong presence and proactively address future needs of the customer by offering solutions and services that accelerate their business. 

This is just one of many ways a Premier Support relationship and an Application Development Manager drives successful outcomes for your business.


Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Microsoft Developer Support helps software developers rapidly build and deploy quality applications for Microsoft platforms.


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