February 17th, 2017

Investing In Improvement

Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects


In this post, Principal Application Development Manager, Larry Duff asks “How will you identify your normalized deviances and invest in improvement?”

I’ve been following a recent blog about the Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy and was struck by a phrase in a recent entry, “normalization of deviance.” They were describing a piece of foam falling off the external tank and striking the orbiter as being acceptable because it happened before with no consequences. This was eerily familiar to Challenger where burn through on the Solid Rocket Booster O-rings had become acceptable. In both cases they had trained themselves to normalize these deviances.

It got me thinking, do I normalize deviance? What types of things throughout a day could I be normalizing that are really out of the normal?

Read the full post here.

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Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Microsoft Developer Support helps software developers rapidly build and deploy quality applications for Microsoft platforms.


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