March 3rd, 2016

Changing user password in Azure AD using GraphAPI

Recently, Premier Developer Consultant Marius Rochon posted this article on his blog regarding changing passwords in Azure AD that may be helpful to those of you facing this specific scenario in your applications:

  1. You use Azure AD for some applications (e.g. Office365), but…
  2. …one of your applications does NOT use Azure AD (yet). It has its own authentication store and method (e.g. forms authn).
  3. However, you want to keep the application’s credentials in sync with AAD. Basically, allow same signon (not single signon) to both your application and AAD managed applications. You want to keep username/pwds in-sync between your application and AAD. You want to ensure that whenever the user changes his/her password in the custom store, it is also changed in Azure AD.

If this is something you are facing, read the rest of Marius’ article here for the solution, including a code sample:



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