Posts by this author

Jul 17, 2015

Protect Your Enterprise with the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit

The Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) is designed to help organizations with their defense in depth strategies against cyber attacks, by helping detect and block exploitation techniques that are commonly used to exploit memory corruption vulnerabilities. Tune in as Lex Thomas and Kurt Falde dive into the EMET and showcase its capabil...

Jun 29, 2015

Simplify Migration to the Cloud with RAP as a Service

In this blog post, Application Development Manager, Lalit Patel, shares some examples of working with Premier to minimize risk and validate environments using RAP as a Service. Migrating workloads to the Microsoft Cloud (Azure) provides many benefits for our customers. It is also a paradigm shift in how to approach capacity planning and risk...

Jun 29, 2015

Web App Performance : Are you listening to your logs?

In this post, Principal Application Developer Manager, Reed Robison explains how a periodic review of IIS Log data, often ignored and archived, provides valuable insight into the operational health and performance of web applications.   We recently posted about how a focus on DevOps is changing the way IT Operations and Developers wo...

Jun 8, 2015

Workshops, Webcasts, and Tech Talks – June 2015

Premier Support for Developers provides access to a wide range of advisory and training options that include most popular developer technologies.  Options range from onsite, instructor-led workshops to remote training, and even access to a distinguished team of Developer Consultants for specialized advisory needs.  Content frequently incl...

Jun 4, 2015

Microsoft Cloud: Migrating Workloads and Security Planning

In this blog post, Application Development Manager, Lalit Patel, shares examples of customers working with Premier to overcome migration concerns and build confidence while moving workloads to the cloud. Cloud Adoption is underway as more organizations look for opportunities to optimize spending and reduce the operational cost associated wit...

May 26, 2015

Universal App Development and IoT Training – Now Available

  Windows Universal App Development (Workshop and Briefing) We hope you’ve been able to watch some of the Build and Ignite sessions over the last few weeks. If the content on Windows 10 piqued your interest, Premier Developer has training materials available. Now you can build one app that runs on all Windows devices and design your pages so...

May 15, 2015

Unit Testing OData Web API/Entity Framework Applications

In this blog post, senior Premier Developer consultant Monu Bambroo demonstrates how to easily unit test an OData based Web API service which is consuming data from SQL DB using Entity Framework. The goal is to write unit tests which stub out the actual DB calls. We will make use of faking the DB Context and using a common DI pattern of constructio...

May 11, 2015

Limited time offer for greater than 50% off Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN

Visual Studio and MSDN provides one of the most comprehensive, feature-rich developer toolsets available anywhere.  We frequently engage with teams that would greatly benefit from everything these subscriptions have to offer, but lack access to a higher tier package that includes all the great benefits. There’s never been a b...

May 7, 2015

Azure ML: NCAA Bracket Prediction – A competitor perspective

Chandra Sekar, Senior Application Development Manager, shares how his simple exploration into Azure Machine Learning quickly produced an accurate predication of March Madness. If you watched the Day 2 BUILD keynote you might have noticed Joseph Sirosh, CVP-Machine Learning, talking about an internal hackathon where competitors used Azure ML ...

May 5, 2015

Ultimate Developer Workstation 2015

Premier Developer consultant Ivan Bondy brings us this series on building out a killer developer workstation. UPDATE: Ivan finished his series a few weeks ago, head back over to his blog to complete the saga of the ultimate developer workstation! This is the first post of a 4-part series: As a Senior Consultant for Premier Supp...