Check out the amazing PowerShellIDE at . Many of you probably already know Dr Tobias Weltner from his product SystemScripter The PowerShell team has been talking to Tobias on and off for years now and those discussions have clearly paid off. PowerShellIDE is a free “experimental editor” whose functions will be integrated into SystemScripter.
The things that I really like are the rich intellisense, rich syntax coloring, rich inspection capabilities, and rich debugging that PowerShellIDE brings to the table. Did I mention that it was RICH? Check it out yourself and you’ll see exactly what I mean. This tool can really accelerate learning and scripting PowerShell.
One word of caution: Be careful using PowerShellIDE, if you drool too much on your keyboard, it could stop working. 🙂
Jeffrey Snover
Windows PowerShell Architect