April 30th, 2020

PowerShellGet 3.0 Preview 2

PowerShellGet 3.0 preview 2 is now available on the PowerShell Gallery. The focus of this release is the Install-PSResource parameter, error messages, and warnings. For a full list of the issues addressed by this release please refer to this GitHub project.

Note: For background information on PowerShellGet 3.0 please refer to the blog post for the first preview release.

How to install the module

To install this version of PowerShellGet open any PowerShell console and run: Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -AllowPrerelease -Force -AllowClobber

New Features of this release

  • Progress bar and -Quiet parameter for Install-PSResource
  • TrustRepository parameter for Install-PSResource
  • NoClobber parameter for Install-PSResource
  • AcceptLicense for Install-PSResource
  • Force parameter for Install-PSResource
  • Reinstall parameter for Install-PSResource
  • Improved error handling

What is next

GitHub is the best place to track the bugs/feature requests related to this module. We have used a combination of projects and labels on our GitHub repo to track issues for this upcoming release. We are using the label Resolved-3.0 to mark issues that we plan to release at some point before we release the module as GA (generally available). To track issues/features to particular preview and GA releases we are using GitHub projects which are titled to reflect the release.

The major feature for our next preview release (preview 3) is allowing for Install-PSResource to accept a path to a psd1 or, json file (using -RequiredResourceFile), or a hashtable or json an input (using -RequiredResource).

How to Give feedback and Get Support

We cannot overstate how critical user feedback is at this stage in the development of the module. Feedback from preview releases help inform design decisions without incurring a breaking change once generally available and used in production. In order to help us to make key decisions around the behavior of the module please give us feedback by opening issues in our GitHub repository.

Sydney Smith PowerShell Team


PM on the PowerShell team at Microsoft.


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