February 23rd, 2007

Leveraging PowerShell Semantics to do More with Less

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Brad Wilson – the .NET Guy recently posted a set of scripts showing how to drive TortoiseSVN from PowerShell. I thought I would use one of these to highlight how you can leverage the PowerShell semantics to do more with less code.

PowerShell is provides Shell semantics and sometimes allows you to ask for more formal, programming, semantics. Specifically, if you ask for a variable that does not exist – PowerShell does not consider that an error. In the same token, if you ask for a PROPERTY of a variable and that property does not exist, that is not an error either. PowerShell doesn’t complain – we give you a null and keep on going.

There are times that this is a pain (e.g. if you just mistype a variable name, that can be hard to track down) so you can turn on STRICT mode by typing:


This tells PowerShell to throw an exception if you access a variable that does not exist. Over time, we’ll offer you more and more options to be more formal in your programming style. That said, there are some huge advantages to the shell semantics so let’s explore them for a second. Consider the following script:

tdiff.ps1 (used to diff arbitrary files with TortoiseMerge):

if ($args.Length -lt 2) {

write-host “usage: tdiff <file1> <file2>”




if ((test-path “HKLM:\Software\TortoiseSVN”) -eq $false) {

write-host -foregroundColor Red “Error: Could not find TortoiseMerge.exe”




$tortoiseKey = get-itemproperty “HKLM:\Software\TortoiseSVN”


if ($tortoiseKey -eq $null) {

write-host -foregroundColor Red “Error: Could not find TortoiseMerge.exe”




$tortoise = $tortoiseKey.TMergePath


if ($tortoise -eq $null) {

write-host -foregroundColor Red “Error: Could not find TortoiseMerge.exe”




$commandLine = ‘/base:”‘ + $args[0] + ‘” /mine:”‘ + $args[1] + ‘”‘

& $tortoise $commandLine


Notice this script has 3 validity checks (hightlighted in red) and it generates the same error message for all those checks. It looks for the existence of a key in the registry, it ensures that that key has properties, and then it looks for a specific property. If any of these don’t work, it generates an error message and returns. We can do all three checks in a single step below:

tdiff.ps1 (used to diff arbitrary files with TortoiseMerge):

if ($args.Length -lt 2) {

write-host “usage: tdiff <file1> <file2>”




$tortoise = (Get-ItemProperty “HKLM:\Software\TortoiseSVN” –ea SilentlyContinue).TMergePath


if ($tortoise -eq $null) {

write-host -foregroundColor Red “Error: Could not find TortoiseMerge.exe”




$commandLine = ‘/base:”‘ + $args[0] + ‘” /mine:”‘ + $args[1] + ‘”‘

& $tortoise $commandLine


The Cmdlet Get-ItemProperty generates an error if you try to access a property that does not exist. We override that behavior with –EA (this is an alias for –ErrorAction). When we specify “–EA SilentlyContinue”, the cmdlet does not generate an error and returns a NULL. We put this command in parenthesis which says, “run this command and use its results here”. This returns a NULL and then we ask for the “TMergePath” property of a null object – which is NULL of course.

These semantics allow us to significantly reduce the code required to implement this function. It is now easier to read, understand and maintain.

BTW – one last thing. Instead of doing a WRITE-HOST –FOREGROUNDCOLOR RED followed by a RETURN, you can just use a THROW

$tortoise = (Get-ItemProperty “HKLM:\Software\TortoiseSVN” –ea SilentlyContinue).TMergePath


if ($tortoise -eq $null) {

Throw “Error: Could not find TortoiseMerge.exe”



This is simpler, less code, it records the error in $ERROR and it sets the $? Variable so a calling program can switch based upon the success or failure of the operation. Also, recording errors in $ERROR also provides invocation information so it makes it easier to debug where things went wrong. E.g.

PS> cat function:t
$error = “Error: Something went wrong”
if ($args[0] %2)
{ throw $error
{ throw $error

PS> t 1
Error: Something went wrong
At C:\ps\t1.ps1:5 char:10
+ { throw <<<< $error
PS> t 2
Error: Something went wrong
At C:\ps\t1.ps1:7 char:10
+ { throw <<<< $error
PS> $error[0].errorrecord.InvocationInfo

MyCommand :
ScriptLineNumber : 7
OffsetInLine : 10
ScriptName : C:\ps\t1.ps1
Line : { throw $error

PositionMessage :
At C:\ps\t1.ps1:7 char:10
+ { throw <<<< $error

InvocationName : throw
PipelineLength : 0
PipelinePosition : 0



Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]
Windows PowerShell/MMC Architect
Visit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at: http://blogs.msdn.com/PowerShell
Visit the Windows PowerShell ScriptCenter at: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/hubs/msh.mspx



PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. PowerShell helps system administrators and power-users rapidly automate tasks that manage operating systems (Linux, macOS, and Windows) and processes.


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