August 6th, 2024

Querying the PIX Timing Capture file format

Steven Pratschner
Program Manager
The Timing Capture file format is a Sqlite database.  Queries written in standard SQL syntax can be used to extract data from Timing Capture files to perform a variety of analysis tasks without requiring the PIX user interface.
PIX on Windows includes a Sqlite extension that simplifies the queries for common tasks such as determining the duration and execution times for a PIX event, extracting counter values and so on.  The Sqlite extension is named PixStorage.dll.  The extension can be found in the PIX on Windows installation directory (“C:\Program Files\Microsoft PIX\2408.05”, for example).
PixStorage.dll must be loaded into Sqlite before extracting Timing Capture data.  The following SQL script illustrates how to load the extension.  Several example queries are also provided.  The script is in the format supported by the sqlite3.exe command line tool available from the Sqlite site.  Note that the 64 bit version of Sqlite must be used.
For additional help with queries, contact the PIX team by sending an email using the PIX feedback button in the upper right corner of the PIX user interface.
These commands are meant to provide examples and information to developers using PIX to extract data from their
captures for use in other tools or to analyze programmatically

The Timing Capture file format is a sqlite database.  It can be opened using the 64-bit version of the sqlite3.exe commandline tool
available for download from (or any number of other available sqlite tools).  The documentation for the CLI is here

The capture file's data can also be queried programmatically using the native or .net libraries available from
or any number of other language supported libraries.

These examples were written using the sqlite3.exe

Some of the data is compressed to improve capture performance.  In order to facilitate query and processing of this data
the PIX team has supplied a sqlite extension that ships with PIX and can be loaded to expose virtual tables to expose the data.

.load 'D:\pix1\Binaries\Release\x64\bin\PixStorage.dll' 'sqlite3_batchexpand_init'
.mode column
.headers on

There are several constants that are stored in the capture's CaptureFacts table related to the capture's start and stop timestamps.  The
following are primary keys for the rows in the CaptureFacts table and can be used to query valid capture data (the white area shown by PIX)

    CaptureStartTime = 1
    CaptureFirstReliableTime = 2
    CaptureLastEventTime = 3
    CaptureStopTime = 24

In general queries that are evaluating a region of time should use CaptureFirstReliableTime and CaptureStopTime to bookend the
timerange for data being queried

Pix Begin and End events are processed into "executions" during capture where each execution has a begin and end timestamp
(in nanoseconds).  To query the executions that occur on the CPU the following:

select s1.Value as 'Pix event', t.ProcThreadId, s2.Value as 'Thread name', cpu.*
from Strings s1, Strings s2, PixCpuExecution cpu, PixEventInfo pei, Threads t
    cpu.EventId = pei.Id
    and cpu.BeginTimestamp >= (select Value from CaptureFacts where Id = 2)
    and cpu.EndTimestamp <= (select Value from CaptureFacts where Id = 24)
    and pei.NameId = s1.Id
    and cpu.ThreadRowId = t.Id
    and t.ThreadNameId = s2.Id
limit 1;

Pix event   ProcThreadId   Thread name  BeginTimestamp  EndTimestamp  Level  ThreadRowId  EventId  Color
----------  -------------  -----------  --------------  ------------  -----  -----------  -------  -----
Frame 2525  3899830305680               241524138       258196292     0      207          19       0

If a PIX event is provided a GPU context then a corresponding execution will be created on an ApiQueue.  To query these executions
the following query could be used:

select s1.Value as 'Pix Event', s2.Value as 'Api queue', gpu.*
from Strings s1, Strings s2, PixGpuExecution gpu, PixEventInfo pei, ApiCommandQueue q
    gpu.EventId = pei.Id
    and gpu.BeginTimestamp > (select Value from CaptureFacts where Id = 2)
    and gpu.EndTimestamp < (select Value from CaptureFacts where Id = 24)
    and pei.NameId = s1.Id
    and gpu.ApiCommandQueueId = q.Id
    and q.NameId = s2.Id
limit 1;

Pix Event  Api queue  BeginTimestamp  EndTimestamp  Level  ApiCommandQueueId  EventId  Color
---------  ---------  --------------  ------------  -----  -----------------  -------  -----
Clear      Graphics   241511462       241518677     0      1                  2        0

Subtracting the EndTimestamp from the BeginTimestamp allows us to calculate the duration of a specific execution.  On the CPU, sometimes
we want to know the actual time the event ran versus when it was stalled or context switched out of execution.  In this case, a different
virtual function can be queried to calculate the time code within a specific PIX cpu execution was actually executing.

An example query:
select s.Value as 'Pix event', times.*
from Strings s, PixEventInfo pei, PixCpuExecutionTimes times
    times.BeginTimestamp >= (select Value from CaptureFacts where Id = 2)
    and times.EndTimestamp <= (select Value from CaptureFacts where Id = 24)
    and times.EventId = pei.Id
    and pei.NameId = s.Id
order by times.Execution desc
limit 5;

Pix event   Duration  Execution  Stall     EventId  BeginTimestamp  EndTimestamp
----------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  --------------  ------------
Frame 2722  16683868  77058      16606810  216      3527275848      3543959716
Frame 3005  16713218  71336      16641882  499      8247344274      8264057492
Frame 2630  16699710  70163      16629547  124      1992790943      2009490653
Frame 2905  16686363  64312      16622051  399      6579498021      6596184384
Frame 2529  16734681  63259      16671422  23       308229107       324963788

In the above results, the query limited to the top 5 CPU events.  In this case, the execution time was short for these events, most of 
the time was spent stalled.

Counters are stored in a similar fashion to PIX events.  In this case, two tables are used to store metadata about the counters and then
a virtual table is used to store the raw counter data.  This is the data that is used to create the counters tree and graph data in
Metrics view.
.width 6, 100

with recursive
counter_group(Id, ParentId, name) as
        select c.Id, c.GroupId, s.Value
        from PixCounterInfo c, Strings s
        where c.NameId = s.Id
    union all
        select cg.Id, pcg.ParentGroupId, s.Value
        from PixCounterGroup pcg, counter_group cg, Strings s
        where pcg.Id = cg.ParentId and pcg.NameId = s.Id

select cg.Id, group_concat(cg.Name, ' -> ') as 'Counter tree'
from counter_group cg group by cg.Id;

Id      Counter tree
------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1       Bytes remaining -> Title Writes Window
2       Bytes written -> Title Writes Window
3       CPU 0 -> % Busy -> Title CPU
4       CPU 1 -> % Busy -> Title CPU
5       CPU 2 -> % Busy -> Title CPU
6       CPU 3 -> % Busy -> Title CPU
7       CPU 4 -> % Busy -> Title CPU
8       CPU 5 -> % Busy -> Title CPU
9       CPU 6 -> % Busy -> Title CPU
10      CPU 0-7 -> % Busy -> Title CPU
11      CPU 8-13 -> % Busy -> Title CPU
12      All -> Bytes Received -> Title Network
13      Excluding Tools -> Bytes Received -> Title Network
14      All -> Bytes Sent -> Title Network
15      Excluding Tools -> Bytes Sent -> Title Network
16      Packets Received -> Title Network
17      Packets Sent -> Title Network
18      All -> Bytes Received Per Second -> Title Network
19      Excluding Tools -> Bytes Received Per Second -> Title Network
20      All -> Bytes Sent Per Second -> Title Network
21      Excluding Tools -> Bytes Sent Per Second -> Title Network
22      Packets Received Per Second -> Title Network
23      Packets Sent Per Second -> Title Network
24      Load % -> Power Monitor
25      Frame Duration -> D3D
26      Swap Throttle -> D3D
27      Stalled -> D3D
28      % Frame Time Stalled -> D3D
29      % Frame Time Swap Throttled -> D3D

Note the .width 6, 100 which controls the output of the table so that the counter hierarchy doesn't wrap.

The Id is the id of the counter and can be used to query for values directly.  The Id of the counter could vary from one capture to the
next and shouldn't be hardcoded.

Once the Id of the counter in question is known values for that counter can be directly queried from the counters virtual table.  For
example, the following query:
select c.Value, c.timestamp
from PixCounters c, Strings sc, Strings sl1, Strings sl2, PixCounterGroup pcg2, PixCounterGroup pcg1, PixCounterInfo ci
    sc.Value = 'CPU 1'
    and sl1.Value = '% Busy'
    and sl2.Value = 'Title CPU'
    and ci.NameId = sc.Id
    and pcg1.NameId = sl1.Id
    and pcg2.NameId = sl2.Id
    and c.CounterId = ci.Id
    and ci.GroupId = pcg1.Id
    and pcg1.ParentGroupId = pcg2.Id
    and c.Timestamp >= (select Value from CaptureFacts where Id = 2)
    and c.Timestamp <= (select Value from CaptureFacts where Id = 24)
limit 10;

Value             Timestamp
----------------  ----------
4.44190120697021  718600109
4.42664241790771  819775837
4.42969417572021  920941689
4.41443490982056  1022195683
4.42206478118896  1123288959
4.45563459396362  1224455335
4.40070199966431  1325650309
4.42816829681396  1426796804
4.42206478118896  1527965935
4.41443490982056  1629137932

If you would like all the CPU counters the filter on the counter's name could be removed from the query above
select c.Value, c.timestamp, sc.Value as 'Counter name'
from PixCounters c, Strings sc, Strings sl1, Strings sl2, PixCounterGroup pcg2, PixCounterGroup pcg1, PixCounterInfo ci
    sl1.Value = '% Busy'
    and sl2.Value = 'Title CPU'
    and ci.NameId = sc.Id
    and pcg1.NameId = sl1.Id
    and pcg2.NameId = sl2.Id
    and c.CounterId = ci.Id
    and ci.GroupId = pcg1.Id
    and pcg1.ParentGroupId = pcg2.Id
    and c.Timestamp >= (select Value from CaptureFacts where Id = 2)
    and c.Timestamp <= (select Value from CaptureFacts where Id = 24)
order by c.Timestamp asc
limit 10;

Value             Timestamp  Counter name
----------------  ---------  ------------
0.0               718600109  CPU 0
4.44190120697021  718600109  CPU 1
0.0               718600109  CPU 2
4.70740842819214  718600109  CPU 3
0.0               718600109  CPU 4
4.59906911849976  718600109  CPU 5
0.0               718600109  CPU 6
1.71854734420776  718600109  CPU 0-7
0.0               718600109  CPU 8-13
0.0               819775837  CPU 0


Steven Pratschner
Program Manager

I'm the Program Manager for the PIX CPU tools in the Gaming Division at Microsoft. PIX helps you identify the performance issues that may be affecting the frame rate of your DX12 AAA title on Windows and on Xbox.


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