August 23rd, 2023

On writing loops in PPL and continuation-passing style, part 2

Last time, we came up with task-based while loop that involved creating a custom callable that passed copies of itself to the next iteration.

This time, we’ll implement the function in terms of a more traditional recursion.

template<typename Callable>
task<void> do_while_task(
    std::shared_ptr<Callable> const& f)
    return (*f)().then([f](bool loop) {
        return loop ? do_while_task(f) :

template<typename Callable, typename =
task<void> do_while_task(Callable&& callable)
    using Decayed = std::decay_t<Callable>;
    return do_while_task(

The real work happens in the first overload, which takes a ready-made shared_ptr. The second overload is a convenience method that lets you pass a callable, and it will wrap it in a shared_ptr for you.

However, if you think about it, in PPL-style programming, the lambda callable itself usually holds a pointer to shared state, so that the various task fragments can share information with each other. Let’s look again at my original example.

do_while_task([i = 0, widgets]() mutable
    if (i >= 3) return task_from_result(false);
    return create_widget().then([index = i++, widgets](auto widget)
        widgets[index] = widget;
        return true;
}).then([] {

I cheated here and incremented the i variable inside the first lambda, but capturing the unincremented value as index for the second lambda. More realistically, the two lambdas need to share state.

struct lambda_state                                  
    lambda_state(Widgets* w) : widgets(w) {}         
    Widgets* widgets;                                
    int i = 0;                                       
auto state = std::make_shared<lambda_state>(widgets);

    if (state->i >= 3) return task_from_result(false);
    return create_widget().then([state](auto widget)
        state->widgets[state->i] = widget;
        return true;
}).then([] {

This means that our do_while_task creates a shared_ptr that itself holds another shared_ptr, which seems kind of silly.

We’ll address this next time.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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