On writing loops in continuation-passing style, part 4

Raymond Chen

So far, we’ve been look at writing loops in PPL and continuation-passing style, and a lot of the complications came from creating shared_ptrs to manage shared state without copying, and trying to reduce the number of such pointers we had to make. The equivalent helper functions in C# and JavaScript are simpler because in those languages, references act like shared_ptr already; there’s no need to convert them into shared pointers explicitly.

class TaskHelpers
    public static Task DoWhileTask(Func<Task<bool>> callable)
        return callable().ContinueWith(t =>
            t.Result ? DoWhileTask(callable)
                     : Task.CompletedTask).Unwrap();

The C# Task Parallel Library’s ContinueWith method is the equivalent to the PPL then() method: You give it a Func<Task<T>, Result> which is called with the preceding task. In our case, we are given a Task<bool>: We check the result, and if it is true, then we recurse back and do the whole thing again.

The gotcha is that ContinueWith returns a task whose result type matches the return value of the Func you passed in. In our case, that Func returns a Task, so the return value of ContinueWith is a rather confusing Task<Task>. You need to follow up with the Unwrap() method to unwrap one layer and get a Task back. (More generally, the Unwrap method converts a Task<Task<T>> to a Task<T>.)

The JavaScript version is comparable.

function do_while_task(callable) {
    return callable().then(loop =>
        loop ? do_while_task(callable) : undefined);

We take advantage of the JavaScript convenience that the continuation function can return either a Promise or a value, so instead of returning a settled Promise, we just return undefined and let that be the result of the promise chain.

We can code golf it a little more by using the && operator:

function do_while_task(callable) {
    return callable().then(loop =>
        loop && do_while_task(callable));

In time, C++, C#, and JavaScript all gained some variation of the await keyword, and it’s probably easier to use that keyword if you can.

// C++/PPL
task<void> create_many_widgets(Widget* widgets, int count)
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        widgets[0] = co_await create_widget();

// C#
async Task CreateManyWidgets(Widget[] widgets)
    for (int i = 0; i < widgets.Count; i++) {
        widgets[i] = await CreateWidget();

// JavaScript
async function createManyWidgets(widgets) {
    for (var i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++) {
        widgets[i] = await createWidget();


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  • Georg Rottensteiner 0

    I’m seriously wary of the convoluted async stuff, unless there’s good reason to use it. It’s a bit viral as it spreads through the code 🙂

    Anyhow, I think the C++ example should also use widgets[i].

    • 紅樓鍮 0

      It’s a bit viral as it spreads through the code

      If you’re not using stackful coroutines, an asynchronous function has to either be in continuation-passing style (accepting a completion callback), or return a future object (task<T>, IAsyncOperation<T>, etc) which is equivalent to continuation-passing style (the completion callback is passed to the future object’s await_suspend()). It cannot have the same signature as a synchronous function.

  • Joshua Hudson 0

    I don’t know about the other languages, but you should in fact *not* use ContinueWith like that in C#. The problem is ContinueWith doesn’t enqueue another asynchronous action, but runs the method on completion of the previous action. So if your loop body is mostly synchronous you pile up a lot of stack as you call ContinueWith recursively.

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