August 15th, 2022

The AArch64 processor (aka arm64), part 15: Control transfer

We start with the unconditional relative branch.

    b       label       ; unconditional branch

The reach of the relative branch is around ±128MB. If the branch target is more than 128MB away, then the linker will modify the relative branch to point to a “trampoline”, which we’ll discuss a little later.

The relative branch instruction can be conditionalized on the status flags. They are the same status flags used by AArch32.

Condition Meaning Evaluation Notes
EQ equal Z = 1  
NE not equal Z = 0  
CS carry set C = 1  
HS high or same unsigned greater than or equal
CC carry clear C = 0  
LO low unsigned less than
MI minus N = 1 signed negative
PL plus N = 0 signed positive or zero
VS overflow set V = 1 signed overflow
VC overflow clear V = 0 no signed overflow
HI high C = 1 and Z = 0 unsigned greater than
LS low or same C = 0 or Z = 1 unsigned less than or equal
GE greater than or equal N = V signed greater than or equal
LT less than N ≠ V signed less than
GT greater than Z = 0 and N = V signed greater than
LE less than or equal Z = 1 or N ≠ V signed less than
AL always always true unconditional

Aside from AL,¹ the conditions come in pairs, and toggling the bottom bit negates the condition, which is conveniently kept in the bottom bit of the instruction, so if you want to reverse the sense of a branch, you can toggle the bottom bit. And if you want to replace the condition, you can replace the bottom nibble.

The conditions are named after the behavior that is expected if they come directly after a CMP instruction. For example, a BEQ instruction that comes directly after a CMP is a conditional branch that is taken if the comparison was between two equal values.

The conditional relative branches have a reach of ±1MB.

There are special conditional branch instructions for testing whether a register or bit is zero.

    ; compare and branch if zero/nonzero
    cbz     Rn, label       ; branch if Rn == 0
    cbnz    Rn, label       ; branch if Rn != 0

    ; test bit and branch if zero/nonzero
    tbz     Rn, #imm, label ; branch if Rn & (1 << imm) == 0
    tbnz    Rn, #imm, label ; branch if Rn & (1 << imm) != 0

The CBZ/CBNZ instructions have a reach of ±1MB,² and the TBZ/TBNZ instructions have a reach of ±32KB.

You can synthesize a “branch if negative / nonnegative” from TBZ and TBNZ by testing the sign bit.

    ; For 64-bit values, the sign bit is bit 63.
    tbz     Xn, #63, label  ; branch if nonnegative
    tbnz    Xn, #63, label  ; branch if negative

    ; For 32-bit values, the sign bit is bit 31.
    tbz     Wn, #31, label  ; branch if nonnegative
    tbnz    Wn, #31, label  ; branch if negative

The CBZ/CBNZ and TBZ/TBNZ instructions help compensate for the absence of some flags-setting bitwise operations.

    ; you want to write
    eor     x0, x1, x2
    bmi     negative
    bne     nonzero

    ; alternative
    eor     x0, x1, x2
    tbnz    x0, #63, negative
    cbnz    nonzero

In addition to relative jumps, we have a register indirect jump:

    ; branch to register
    br      Xn/zr

The processor allows you to hard-code the zero register here, but that is not particularly useful unless your goal is to fault on the next cycle. (Better would be to use a permanently undefined instruction, which we’ll see later. That way the crash points at the offending instruction instead of at address 0.)

Subroutine calls are performed by branching to the first instruction of the subroutine and putting the return address in the x30 register.

    ; branch with link (can reach ±128MB)
    bl      label           ; x30 = return address
                            ; execution resumes at label

    ; branch with link to register
    blr     Xn/zr           ; x30 = return address
                            ; execution resumes at Xn

The branch-with-link instructions predict a subroutine call.

And of course your subroutine will probably want to return:

    ; return from subroutine
    ret     Xn/zr           ; resume execution at Xn
    ret                     ; resume execution at x30

The RET instruction is functionally equivalent to BR because they both perform a branch to an address held in a register. The difference is that RET predicts a subroutine return.

Okay, now about trampolines. A trampoline is a fragment of code that jumps to the final destination. To help generate the jump instruction, the code fragment is permitted to clobber the x16 and x17 registers, also known as xip0 and xip1. Here’s an example:

    ; original code was "bl toofar", but toofar is too far away.
    bl      toofar_trampoline


    adrp    xip0, toofar
    add     xip0, xip0, PageOffset(toofar)
    br      xip0

Next time, we’ll look at the collection of branchless conditional execution operations.

Bonus chatter: AArch64 drops the table branch instructions which were present in AArch32. The table branch instructions were used in AArch32 primarily for dense switch statements. We’ll see later how dense switch statements are handled in AArch64.

¹ There is a mystery 16th condition code, and if you follow the pattern of the existing condition codes, the missing one should be NV for never, the opposite of AL (always). However, if you try to use it, you’ll find that it behaves the same as AL. This is architecturally documented behavior. So you could say that on ARM, never is the same as always.

² In AArch32, the CBZ and CBNZ instructions were limited to forward branches, but in AArch64 they can go both forward and backward.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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