June 6th, 2022

An opinionated comparison of C++ frameworks for consuming and implementing Windows Runtime types

There are three leading C++ frameworks for consuming and implementing Windows Runtime types. The current recommendation (as of this writing) is C++/WinRT.

  WRL C++/CX C++/WinRT
Error handling HRESULT-based Exception-based Exception-based
Interop with C++
standard library
Poor Middling Good
Code verbosity Very high Low Low
Code generation Small Explosively large Small
Compile time Low Low High¹
IDL file Manually authored Automatically generated² Manually authored
Static class constructor³ Supported Not supported Supported
COM static lifetime
for factories⁴
Can implement manually Cannot implement Built-in
Default threading model It’s complicated⁵ Free Free
Can choose nondefault
threading model
Yes No Yes
Language Standard C++ Nonstandard extension Standard C++
Static analysis tools Supported Not supported Supported
Language standard
C++11 and higher C++14 or C++17
with /await
C++17 and higher
Forward compatibility Compatible Incompatible with C++20 Compatible
XAML compiler support No Yes Yes
Coroutine support No Yes via PPL⁶ Yes
License/source code Ships in SDK Closed source Open source
Support Maintenance None Active


¹ C++/WinRT contains a large number of types and template specializations, which slows down the compiler. The precompiled header file easily exceeds 1GB in size. You can define WINRT_LEAN_AND_MEAN to remove rarely-used features and improve compile times.

² Automatic generation of the IDL file is a two-edged sword. Although it saves a lot of effort, it can also get in the way: If you need to make a runtime class object marshallable, you need to register a marshaller for the autogenerated interface, which will have an ugly autogenerated name, and whose UUID may not be stable. Autogeneration also conflicts with versioning, makes it harder to interop with other languages, and it can result in puzzling behavior if you don’t understand how the autogeneration works. Furthermore, the autogenerated interface names do not follow Windows Runtime naming conventions.

³ Static class constructors allow class statics to be delay-initialized. This is significant because running constructors at DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH creates the risk of deadlocks and other unfortunate behaviors. C++/CX clients must work around this by having a static Initialize­Statics() method which initializes the statics (e.g., dependency properties) and calling it at an opportune moment.

COM static lifetime allows you to register an object in the COM static lifetime store, which allows you to (1) obtain it later, and (2) destruct it automatically when COM is uninitialized. The former provides a persistent-lifetime object for things like global event sources. The latter permits the object’s destructors to run while COM is still initialized.

⁵ Default is normally free-threaded, but if BUILD_WINDOWS is set, then default is single-threaded.

⁶ PPL coroutine support is very large.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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  • Andrew Witte

    Am I missing something but why is so much time still being spent here when almost no one is using these tools?
    WinRT really is just a failed sandbox API platform built on top of Win32/Win64 correct? As illustrated above way to much abstraction is needed for it to even work making it complex slow & confusing. Feels like a rift that never closed in the MS world.

    • word merchant

      “WinRT really is just a failed sandbox API” – are Windows devs not flocking to use WinRT? Honest question.

      • Me Gusta

        That question isn't the question that you think it is. It is like asking "are devs not flocking to use C style functions" or "are devs not flocking to use classes/objects". The App Container portion of Windows wasn't success. This is what Andrew Witte is referring to.
        But the UWP has historical issues that are difficult to talk about in such a limited response. But one of the big important points here is the Windows App SDK. Version 1.0 was released last November and 1.1 was only just released. This is an important point because this makes available the application...

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    • 紅樓鍮

      My understanding is that COM and WinRT are really an object-oriented ABI and RPC protocol. They’re kind of the equivalent of D-Bus on Linux and are not inherently platform-specific (xlang).

    • Me Gusta

      Well, it isn't really necessary to tie the WinRT style API with the sandbox. There are some new Windows features that are only available through the WinRT style interfaces that also work with desktop applications. For example, Windows.UI.Composition was designed as a better replacement for DirectComposition. I have certainly used these tools in a desktop application, more recently it was a quick way to generate a SHA1 hash for files since it was simpler than using CNG.
      What's more, the Windows App SDK is built around the WinRT style API and it is not tied to the sandbox. The latest...

      Read more
  • Paulo Pinto

    The table misses Visual Studio authoring support.

  • Paul Topping

    So are there any significant downsides or limitations to the C++/WinRT choice in this context? It looks like an all-win situation here.

    • Paulo Pinto

      A very big one for anyone that cares about productivity.

      After 30 years of COM, and 5 after declaring C++/CX as deprectated, Visual Studio still has an IDL authoring experience that is comparable to using Notepad, and forces developers to manually merge generated code.

      C++ developer productivy is definitly not a concern for the teams responsible to deprecate C++/CX and replace it with a less stelar developer experience.

      Apparently they never used C++ Builder or QtCreator during the last decades.

      Naturally for those whose development experience is not Visual Studio, rather WRL with VI, then C++/WinRT might feel appealing.

    • word merchant

      Perhaps “C++17 and higher” if you work in an organisation burdened by the usual levels of corporate technical debt.
      You might also miss the hat.

      • 紅樓鍮 · Edited

        Note that in theory you should be able to use a C++17-enabled compiler for writing one component in C++/WinRT while keeping the rest of the code base on a legacy compiler (or even in a different language), since everything a Windows Runtime component exposes has a stable ABI.

      • word merchant

        Interesting idea…
        I have to say that C++/WinRT seems to be a very slick product.
        Is the pendulum swinging back towards C++ out there for Windows? I’ve not been a Windows dev for some years now, and ended on c# (not because of c# mind).