Storing COM pointers in global variables has been a consistent source of problems, because the globals are destructed when the DLL receives it DLL_
, which happens after COM has already shut down. The destructor then calls into an object that no longer exists, and that makes people sad.
But what if I told you there’s a place to put your global COM pointers, and that place has the property that the global COM pointers will be released as part of COM teardown? In other words, the global COM pointers are released just in time: The global COM pointer has its lifetime tied to the lifetime of COM, rather than the lifetime of the process.
That place is informally known as the COM static store. Formally, it’s the property set on the CoreÂApplication
object. Even though the CoreÂApplication
is a Windows Runtime object, it is available in any process that uses COM, not just UWP apps.
The idea is that you move the storage of your global variable out of your data segment and into the COM static store. When you want to update the value, you write it to the COM static store, and when you want to read the value, you read it from the COM static store.
For concreteness, I’ll write the code in C++/WinRT, but the same algorithm applies to other projections.
Thing GetTheThing() { auto props = CoreApplication::Properties(); if (auto found = props.TryLookup(L"Thing")) { return<Thing>(); } return nullptr; } void SetTheThing(Thing const& thing) { auto props = CoreApplication::Properties(); props.Insert(L"Thing", thing); }
Here, we used the incredibly uncreative key name "Thing"
. In practice, you should pick a name that is not going to collide with others who are sharing the COM static store. Since the CoreÂApplication
is a Windows Runtime object, its initial clients were mostly other Windows Runtime objects, and the convention developed that the key is the fully-qualified Windows Runtime name of the object being added, like Contoso.Deluxe.Widget
. Of course, if your object is not a Windows Runtime object, then that pattern doesn’t apply to you, so come up with some other unique name, like maybe a stringified GUID. For demonstration purposes, I’m just going to use the string "Thing"
Since the COM static store is a per-process store, it is available to any thread, so you would be best served if the objects you put in it are free-threaded,¹ because any thread can retrieve an object from it.²
The most common use for the COM static store is providing a place to keep a singleton which is created on demand and remains alive until COM is torn down. The basic idea goes something like this:
// Don't use this code yet Thing GetSingletonThing() { auto props = CoreApplication::Properties(); if (auto found = props.TryLookup(L"Thing")) { return<Thing>(); } auto thing = MakeAThing(); props.Insert(L"Thing", thing); return thing; }
First we look to see if there is a Thing
already. If so, then we return it. Otherwise, we make a new Thing
, insert the newly-created Thing
into the property set, and return it.
That’s the basic idea. The rest is filling in the holes. We’ll start doing that next time.
Bonus chatter: Just for example, here’s the translation of GetÂTheÂThing
into C++/CX:
Thing^ GetTheThing() { auto props = CoreApplication::Properties; if (auto found = props->TryLookup(L"Thing")) { return safe_cast<Thing^>(found); } return nullptr; }
It’s a fair direct line-for-line translation. Translating into C++/WRL is much more work because WRL works at the ABI layer.
HRESULT GetTheThing(Thing** result) { *result = nullptr; // auto props = CoreApplication::Properties; WRL::ComPtr<ICoreApplication> app; RETURN_IF_FAILED(RoGetActivationFactory( WRL::Wrappers::HStringReference( RuntimeClass_Windows_ApplicationModel_Core_CoreApplication).Get(), IID_PPV_ARGS(&app))); WRL::ComPtr<IPropertySet> props; RETURN_IF_FAILED(app->get_Properties(&props)); // auto found = props->TryLookup(L"Thing"); WRL::ComPtr<IMap<HSTRING, IInspectable*>> map; RETURN_IF_FAILED(props.As(&map)); WRL::ComPtr<IInspectable> found; HRESULT hr = map->Lookup( WRL::Wrappers::HStringReference(L"Thing").Get(), &found); RETURN_HR_IF(hr, FAILED(hr) && hr != E_BOUNDS); // if (found) return safe_cast<Thing^>(found); // return nullptr; if (hr == S_OK) { RETURN_IF_FAILED(found.CopyTo(result)); } return S_OK; }
I don’t anticipate giving many examples in WRL in this series of articles. It’s far too verbose.
That’s the basic idea behind the COM static store, but of course you have to be careful how you use it. We’ll dig in next time.
¹ You can create a free-threaded wrapper for any COM object with RoÂGetÂAgileÂReference
. WRL, C++/CX, and C++/WinRT all provide helpers for managing agile references.
Projection | Wrapper |
WRL | Microsoft::WRL::AgileRef |
C++/CX | Platform::Agile<T> |
C++/WinRT | winrt::agile_ref |
² If your program is single-threaded,³ then I guess you don’t have to worry about the “wrong” thread retrieving the value, since you have only one thread anyway.
³ Looking at you, JavaScript.
Great timing, we ran into this just last week. I had planned to try and solve it using CoGetObjectContext / ContextCallback but I’ll lean back and see where this goes!
We are using native C++, but since we are using COM we still have access to the coreapplication, correct?
Even if you are using standard C++, I would still suggest you use C++/WinRT which is just a library that hides all of the WRL complexity. It’s not to be confused with CX which is a language extension.
I went with manual implementation and dynamically loading it depending on windows version.
As an aside for anyone doing this in a non WinRT app (And I may be doing something wrong): Everything works _except_ the objects in the property store are never released and thus never destroyed. This has to do with using normal COM initialization and not RoInitialize, but I cannot change that. I also needed to prevent ATL from increasing the server process ref count to avoid ref cycles keeping the server running indefinitely.
RoInitialize also initializes the COM runtime, so couldn’t you swap CoInitialize for it to avoid this?