Last time, we learned about the complex juggling required in order to accomplish a successful asynchronous release. Let’s try to put them together.
One of the things we need to do is aggregate the call object so that we can learn when the call has completed. This tells us when it’s safe to call Finish_
and complete the client-side portion of the operation.
struct SyncForRelease : winrt::implements<SyncForRelease, ISynchronize> { winrt::com_ptr<::IUnknown> m_inner; ::AsyncIUnknown* m_asyncUnknown; int32_t query_interface_tearoff(winrt::guid const& id, void** object) const noexcept override { if (m_inner) return, object); return E_NOINTERFACE; } auto Sync() noexcept { return<ISynchronize>(); } STDMETHODIMP Reset() { return Sync()->Reset(); } STDMETHODIMP Signal() { auto hr = Sync()->Signal(); m_asyncUnknown->Finish_Release(); m_inner.detach(); // don't Release it Release(); // I am dead to me return hr; } STDMETHODIMP Wait(DWORD flags, DWORD timeout) { return Sync()->Wait(flags, timeout); } };
This is the object we’re going to use to aggregate the call. This follow the pattern we had seen earlier for aggregating the call object in order to override the ISynchronize
method, and doing out bonus work inside the Signal
Actually, if the Signal
and Wait
calls fail, we fail to clean up or fail to wait for the operation to complete, and we have nowhere to report the failure. We may as well just fail fast. Instead of trying to catch the exception coming from the Sync()
method, I just mark it as noexcept
, which terminates the process if the query fails.
The stuff we do in the Signal
won’t make sense until we understand how things are set up. So let’s set them up:
void ReleaseAsynchronously(IUnknown* unk) { winrt::com_ptr<::ICallFactory> factory; unk->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(factory.put())); unk->Release(); if (!factory) return; winrt::com_ptr<SyncForRelease> sync; try { sync = winrt::make_self<SyncForRelease>(); } catch (std::bad_alloc const&) { } if (!sync) return; factory->CreateCall( __uuidof(::AsyncIUnknown), sync.get(), __uuidof(::IUnknown), sync->m_inner.put()); factory = nullptr; if (!sync->m_inner) return; sync->>m_asyncUnknown)); if (!sync->m_asyncUnknown) return; // Release + AddRef cancel out sync->m_asyncUnknown->Begin_Release(); }
This function guarantees that the incoming IUnknown
is released, one way or another: If we can’t release it asynchronously, then we’ll release it synchronously. This makes things easier for the caller, who can treat it as a fire-and-forget type of function.
First, we query the IUnknown
for ICallFactory
, and then immediately release the IUnknown
. If the object is local, then the query will fail, and the Release
will be a synchronous one. We detect this failure and return: The object has been release synchronously, and we’re done.
If the query for ICallFactory
succeeds, then we have a proxy to a remote object. The release of the IUnknown
won’t destroy the proxy because the ICallFactory
is still outstanding.
Next up, we create the SyncÂForÂRelease
object, which we will use to aggregate the call so that we can be called back when the asynchronous method completes. We do it inside of a try
block so we can handle the low-memory case and abandon the operation. The return
will release the factory, which will be a synchronous release of the proxy. Sorry, we tried.
Assuming we have the SyncÂForÂRelease
object, we ask the factory to create a call (saving it as the aggregated inner object), and then immediately release the factory. This is a repeat of the previous pattern: If the CreateÂCall
fails, then the release of the factory is a synchronous release, and we just return immediately. Otherwise, we keep going.
We ask the aggregated inner object for AsyncIUnknown
so we can call the Begin_
and Finish_
methods. Again, if this fails, we just return, and the destructors will release the proxy synchronously.
Now, the normal pattern for querying an inner object for an interface is to perform the QueryÂInterface
, and then perform a counteracting Release
on the outer object. So in theory, there should be a Release()
call here.
But we have a trick up our sleeve.
The next step would normally be to call AddRef()
on the SyncÂForÂRelease
object so that it keeps itself alive while the call is in flight. This AddRef()
cancels out the Release()
, so the net result is that we don’t have to do anything! We are basically repurposing the reference count created by the QueryÂInterface
Now that everything is set up, we perform the Begin_
, which sets the asynchronous call into motion.
And then we wait.
Eventually, the asynchronous call completes, and the SyncÂForÂRelease::
method is called. After asking the inner object to do the standard signaling work, we proceed with our custom response to the signal. We start by calling Finish_
, which tells the call object that we have acknowledged the release of the object, and once Finish_
returns, the object is truly released. The call to Finish_
will not block because we forwarded the Signal
call to the inner object, so the call is definitely complete.
When Finish_
returns, the call object has been released, so we must throw away our references to it without calling Release
. For our raw pointer, we can just abandon it. For our m_inner
smart pointer, we use detach()
to take ownership of the pointer. We just throw the pointer away, because it has already been released by the call to Finish_
It took us a long time to get here, but we finally got it: A function for asynchronously releasing a COM pointer to a remote object.
Bonus chatter: Note in particular that our call to Sync()->Signal()
was done with a temporary reference to the inner ISynchronize
, so it got released when Signal()
returned. If you do some tweaking of this method, make sure that you release the inner ISynchronize
before calling Finish_
. Because Finish_
tears down the inner object, and all references to it become dead.
This looks like so much work to do in order to have resiliency in your client.
You'd think there would be a way to configure the proxy to always do asynchronous releases under the hood, some sort of <code> function.
Or even better, that it would be the default. Let's face it, you are releasing your object, which means you don't care about it anymore. You certainly don't care at that point if the connection to the...
Given this is probably from a callback…