How can I monitor changes to the reference count of a C++/WinRT object?

Raymond Chen

Say you’re debugging your C++/WinRT object and you want to keep an eye on its reference count, perhaps because you’re tracking down a memory leak. How can you do that?

For concreteness, let’s say we’ve got these objects.

// A local object without a projection
struct Faucet : winrt::implements<Faucet, IFaucet>
    bool is_dripping = false;

        ... construct the faucet ...

    ... other methods ...

// A projected class
namespace winrt::Fixtures::implementation
    struct Lamp : LampT<Lamp>
        bool is_on = false;

            ... construct the lamp ...

        ... other methods ...

If you are the caller of make_self, you can inspect that result to find the reference count.

auto faucet = winrt::make_self<Faucet>();
auto lamp = winrt::make_self<implementation::Lamp>();

For our purposes, make_self is convenient because it gives you a pointer to the implementation class, which makes it easy to extract the reference count. You can see it in the debugger:

Name Value
◢ faucet 0x00d4bab8 {…}
 ◢ [winrt::impl::heap_implements<Faucet>] {…}
  ◢ Faucet {…}
    ◢ winrt::implements<Faucet, IFaucet> {…}
    ▶ winrt::impl::producers_base<Faucet, std::tuple<IFaucet> > {…}
    ◢ winrt::impl::root_implements<Faucet, std::tuple<IFaucet> > {m_references=0x00000001 }
       winrt::impl::root_implements_composing_outer<0> {…}
       winrt::impl::root_implements_composable_inner<Faucet, 0> {…}
       winrt::impl::module_lock_updater<1> {…}
       __vfptr 0x004b4464 {…}
       m_references 0x00000001 ←
 ▶ IUnknown {…}
 ▶ [Raw View] {m_ptr=0x00d4bab8 {…} }

You get a similar view for lamp.

From here, you can right-click the m_references and say Break When Value Changes.

If you are more of a roll-up-your-sleeves kind of person, you can extract the address of that reference count variable from the Immediate window:

0x00d4babc 0x00000001

And then you can create a data breakpoint that triggers when the reference count changes.

If you’re not so lucky and the object was created via projection or make, then what comes out is an interface pointer, not a pointer to the concrete object. So how do you get a pointer to the concrete object?

My trick is to set a breakpoint on the constructor. In the constructor, you have the this pointer, and you can follow the same cookbook above to get to the m_references.

If you’re really unlucky, the constructor was optimized out. You can ask the compiler not to optimize out the constructor by marking it as noinline.

    // or __attribute__((noinline)) if that's what your compiler prefers
    __declspec(noinline) Faucet()
        ... construct the faucet ...

The last wrinkle is that you may see a write to m_references that comes from make_weak_ref instead of the usual AddRef and Release. C++/WinRT uses the same trick that WRL uses to squeeze a weak reference and a reference count into a single integer: If no weak reference has been created, then the m_references is the actual reference count. But once a weak reference is created, then m_references becomes a pointer to the weak reference, and the reference count moves into the weak reference.

When that happens, you want to double-click the call stack entry for make_weak_ref, expand the weak_ref variable, find the m_strong and do another Break When Value Changes. (The corresponding immediate expression is &weak_ref.m_ptr->m_strong.)


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  • T T 0

    August 27, 2007 you wrote an article titles “Yes indeed, all Microsoft files are (or should be) digitally signed”. Your site implied I would be able to leave a comment if I signed in, so I did. And THEN your site informed me comments are not allowed on that post. So I am posting here.


    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
    var signedCount = 0;
    var totalCount = 0;
    foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(@"c:\windows\system32", "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
        var fname = Path.GetFileName(file);
        var versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(file);
        var ext = Path.GetExtension(file);
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionInfo.CompanyName) && versionInfo.CompanyName.Contains("Microsoft"))
            var flag = "-";
                using (var cert = new X509Certificate2(X509Certificate2.CreateFromSignedFile(file)))
                    flag = "+";
            catch { }
            Console.WriteLine($"{flag} {fname}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Signed: {signedCount} of {totalCount}");

    On my PC prints:
    Signed: 812 of 4048

    Less than 25% of Microsoft’s files are signed in that system folder alone on my pc. I just reinstalled and updated Windows 10 so my system is fairly typical. Some of those unsigned files routinely access the internet as well. BiniSoft Windows Firewall Control can notify you when this happens and allow you to block them. Frankly Microsoft SHOULD be signing ALL files that access the internet for security reasons. “WaaSMedicAgent.exe” is a MS file that is not signed and accesses the internet regularly. I have even seen some MS files try to access the web using http instead of https which I also block for obvious security reasons.

    • Raymond ChenMicrosoft employee 0

      Most OS files are catalog-signed, rather than containing an embedded certificate.

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