February 2nd, 2022

Gotcha: C++/WinRT weak_ref.get() doesn’t get the weak reference; it gets the strong reference

If you have a winrt::com_ptr<T>, you can call the get() method to obtain the raw COM pointer inside it. This is handy if you need to pass that raw pointer along to another method that wants raw pointers.

The winrt::weak_ref<T> also has a get() method, but its behavior is different: It tries to resolve the weak reference to a strong reference and returns that strong reference as a com_ptr<T>. If it fails to resolve the weak reference to a strong reference, then it returns an empty com_ptr<T>. (If T is a projected type, then the returned object is a T rather than com_ptr<T>, since com_ptr<T> is redundant.)

I’ve seen this gotcha bite people who are familiar with com_ptrs, but haven’t worked much with weak_ref. They have a weak_ref in their hand and they want to look at the pointer inside it. They’ll call weak_ref.get() (because that’s what works for com_ptr), and not only is that not what they want, the result can be downright dangerous.

weak_ref<T> saved_weak;

bool IsTheSavedWeakRef(weak_ref<T> const& ref)
    return saved_weak.get() == ref.get();

The idea here is that we want to compare the IWeak­Reference pointers hiding inside the weak_ref to see if the weak reference passed in is the same one we had saved earlier. Unfortunately, what actually happens is that we resolve both weak references to strong T references, and then see if the strong references match.

The first bug is that this treats all broken weak references as equal, even if they aren’t the same weak reference. Indeed, they may even have been obtained from different objects entirely!

The second bug is that the temporary materialization of a strong reference means that when the function returns, those strong references are released, and that can result in object destruction at a time you weren’t expecting. Suppose we initially have a strong reference to a T in a variable called saved_strong and a weak reference to the same T in a variable called saved_weak.

Thread 1 Thread 2   Refcount on T
IsTheSavedWeakRef()     1
saved_weak.get()     2
  saved_strong.reset()   1
temporary com_ptr destructs     0

Initially, there is one strong reference to the object, held in saved_strong. The Is­The­Saved­Weak­Ref() function tries to promote the saved_weak to a strong reference in the form of a com_ptr (say), and it succeeds. The number of strong references is now two.

Meanwhile, another thread resets the saved_strong strong reference, which would have destructed the object if Is­The­Saved­Weak­Ref() hadn’t created a temporary strong reference. Instead, the reset of saved_strong causes the reference count to drop to one.

Back on Thread 1, the Is­The­Saved­Weak­Ref() function finishes its comparison and destructs the temporary shared_ptr, which drops the reference count to zero and destroys the object.

The Is­The­Saved­Weak­Ref() function is destroying an object!

This can be quite a surprise to the authors of Is­The­Saved­Weak­Ref(), who thought they were doing completely non-intrusive lightweight operations. In particular, the caller of Is­The­Saved­Weak­Ref() might be holding a lock, such as one that is designed to protect access to saved_weak.

Now you are in the world of destroying an object under a lock, and depending on how those objects are structured, this could be harmless or create a potential deadlock or trigger memory corruption due to unexpected reentrancy.

Bonus chatter: With PR#608, you can now compare weak references directly for equality, so you aren’t tempted to try the get() trick.

Nevertheless, if you want to get the raw pointer inside a winrt::weak_ref, you can use get_abi.

Bonus bonus chatter: The WIL library has its own quirk related to COM weak references and COM agile references. The wil::com_weak_ref and wil::com_agile_ref act like a wil::com_ptr in most respects, but the query and copy methods operate on the underlying object, not the weak reference or agile reference itself.

For weak references, this is normally what you want, since there isn’t much you can query from a weak reference. However, if you have a weak reference to a remote object, you may want to query the weak reference for interfaces like IMarshal or IClientSecurity, and those queries will go not to the weak reference but to the underlying object.

If you want to perform the query against the weak reference itself, you will have to use a Jedi mind trick to make WIL forget that the pointer was ever a weak pointer: Decay it back to the IUnknown, and then operate on that.

// marshal = saved_weak.query<IMarshal>(); // doesn't work, do this instead
auto marshal = wil::com_query<IMarshal>(static_cast<IUnknown*>(saved_weak.get()));

Here, we use the free com_query function which does the equivalent of a com_ptr.query, but as a free function instead of requiring a com_ptr in hand.

(Personally, I think this magic behavior of weak and agile references is a pit of failure. I think the methods should have been called lock or resolve. Reserve get for extracting the raw ABI pointer.)



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.

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  • janefessler

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    Jane Fessler
