Windows 95 introduced a new menu format,
known as “extended menus”.
You declare these in a resource file with the MENUEX
The 16-bit extended menu is really just a temporary stopping point
on the way to the 32-bit extended menu,
since the 16-bit form is
supported only by the Windows 95 family of operating
It’s sort of the missing link of menu templates.
Things start off the same as
the 16-bit classic menu,
with a structure I’ve been calling MENUHEADER16
struct MENUHEADER16 { WORD wVersion; WORD cbHeaderSize; BYTE rgbExtra[cbHeaderSize-4]; };
The version number for extended menus is one instead of zero,
and the cbHeaderSize
now includes the size of the
and cbHeaderSize
fields in
the header size count; therefore, the number of interstitial bytes
four less than the value specified by the cbHeaderSize
Due to a bug in Windows 95 (and its descendants),
the cbHeaderSize
is ignored, and its value is assumed
to be four.
Fortunately, every version of the 16-bit resource compiler that
supports 16-bit extended menu templates sets the cbHeaderSize
to four.
Consequently, nothing goes wrong in practice.
And I suspect nobody has noticed this bug in the over fifteen years
(not twenty-five
as I had originally written)
the code has been in existence.
Unlike the classic menu, there is a prefix structure that comes before the list of menu items.
struct MENUPREFIX16 { DWORD dwContextHelpID; };
New to extended menus is the addition of context help IDs.
These values can be set and retrieved
programmatically with the
The template then continues with a packed array of structures
I will call MENUITEMEX16
struct MENUITEMEX16 { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwState; WORD wID; BYTE bFlags; CHAR szText[]; // null terminated ANSI string };
Whereas the members of the classic MENUITEM16
were designed to be passed to the function
the members of the extended MENUITEMEX16
designed to be passed to the function
The dwType
, dwState
, and
members correspond to
the fType
, fState
, and
members of the 16-bit MENUITEMINFO
Similarly, the szText
goes into the
if the item requires a string.
(If the item doesn’t require a string, then the
should be an empty string; i.e.,
should consist solely of the null terminator.)
Notice that a new feature of extended menus is that pop-up menus can have IDs as well as normal menu items.
The bFlags
describes other information about the
menu item,
information that in the classic menu was hidden in spare bits
in the wFlags
But here, the bFlags
is where this information is kept.
The following flags are currently defined:
0x01 | This item is a pop-up submenu |
0x80 | This item is the last item in the menu |
If indeed the bottom bit is set, then after the MENUITEMEX16
comes a description of the submenu, recursively.
(Note that the submenu does not have
As before, we’ll illustrate this format with an example.
1 MENUEX 1000 BEGIN POPUP “&File”, 200,,, 1001 BEGIN MENUITEM “&Open\tCtrl+O”, 100 MENUITEM “”, -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM “&Exit\tAlt+X”, 101 END POPUP “&View”, 201,,, 1002 BEGIN MENUITEM “&Status Bar”, 102,, MFS_CHECKED END END
The resulting 16-bit extended menu template begins with the header:
0000 01 00 // wVersion = 1 0002 04 00 // cbHeaderSize = 4
Since this is the start of a menu, we get a context help ID:
0004 E8 03 00 00 // dwContextHelpID = 1000
After the context help ID come the menu items.
Our first is a pop-up submenu,
so the bFlags
indicates that a submenu is coming:
0008 00 00 00 00 // dwType = MFT_STRING 000C 00 00 00 00 // dwState = 0 0010 C8 00 // wID = 200 0012 01 // bFlags = “pop-up submenu” 0013 26 46 69 6C 65 00 // “&File” + null terminator
Since we have a pop-up submenu, we recursively include a template for that submenu directly after the menu item template. Consequently, we begin with the context help ID:
0019 E9 03 00 00 // dwContextHelpID = 1001
And then the contents of the submenu:
001D 00 00 00 00 // dwType = MFT_STRING 0021 00 00 00 00 // dwState = 0 0025 64 00 // wID = 100 0027 00 // bFlags = 0 0028 26 4F 70 65 6E 09 43 74 72 6C 2B 4F 00 // “&Open\tCtrl+O” + null terminator0035 00 08 00 00 // dwType = MFT_SEPARATOR 0039 00 00 00 00 // dwState = 0 003D FF FF // wID = -1 003F 00 // bFlags = 0 0040 00 // “”
0041 00 00 00 00 // dwType = MFT_STRING 0045 00 00 00 00 // dwState = 0 0049 65 00 // wID = 101 004B 80 // bFlags = “this is the last menu item” 004C 26 45 78 69 74 09 41 6C 74 2B 58 00 // “&Exit\tAlt+X” + null terminator
When we reach the end of the pop-up submenu, we pop up a level. Therefore, the next entries describe more top-level menu items.
0058 00 00 00 00 // dwType = MFT_STRING 005C 00 00 00 00 // dwState = 0 0060 C9 00 // wID = 201 0062 81 // bFlags = “pop-up submenu” | // “this is the last menu item” 0063 26 56 69 65 77 00 // “&View” + null terminator
Ah, no sooner do we pop up than we push back down with another submenu. And the “last menu item” flag is set, which means that once the submenu is finished, we are done with the extended menu template.
0069 EA 03 00 00 // dwContextHelpID = 1002006D 00 00 00 00 // dwType = MFT_STRING 0071 08 00 00 00 // dwState = MFS_CHECKED 0075 66 00 // wID = 102 0077 80 // bFlags = “this is the last menu item” 0078 26 53 74 61 74 75 73 20 42 61 72 00 // “&Status Bar” + null terminator
After the context help ID, we have the sole menu item for this pop-up submenu, so the first item is also the last item.
Next time, we’ll wrap up by looking at the final menu template format, the 32-bit extended menu. I bet you all can’t wait.