Here are a few citations. On a list of activities:
- On-board a new team member.
Presumably they mean bring on board. What makes this particularly interesting is that they didn’t convert a noun to a verb; they converted a prepositional phrase to a verb, demonstrating once again the malleability of the English language. Here’s a snippet from a blog post which seems to use the same meaning, but dispensing with the hyphen:
Over the past 4 weeks, we have been onboarding customers slowly.
On the other hand, there are usages whose intended meaning I can’t quite figure out. Some titles from documents I don’t have access to:
How to On-Board Tools on the Extranet
On-Boarding Kit
And a subsection from an old document:
On-Board Schedule
Milestone Target Date Status Attend a client planning meeting Dec. 2005 Complete Frooble analysis Meeting daily with ABC team to map out migration On-Board to client dev Feb. 2006 Client dev TBD On-Board to client test TBD Client test complete TBD On-Board to DEF TBD DEF sign-off by GHI TBD File migration TBD Go-Live TBD
ABC, DEF, and GHI were TLAs I did not understand. Frooble is a made-up word substituting for the actual word in the schedule. (And yes, “Go-Live” is a noun.) As a final example, there is somebody at Microsoft whose official job title is Senior Onboarding Manager. If you can figure out what on-board means, you’re smarter than me.