The NuGet Blog

The latest news, updates, and insights from the NuGet team

NuGet 2.6.1 for WebMatrix

The NuGet team released an updated NuGet Package Manager extension for WebMatrix on March 26, 2014. This update can be installed from the WebMatrix Extension Gallery using the following steps: Here are the salient points from the release notes. Notable Changes This extension update addresses two of the biggest issues users have ...

Update All Experience Explained

While working on NuGet 2.8, we addressed some bugs dealing with the "Update All" behavior, where a single gesture will update all packages in the project. During the testing of those fixes, another bug was filed stating, After using Update All, packages remain in the Updates list. We have decided to mark that bug as "By Design" for now and get...

Use your Microsoft account to log in to!

Starting today you can use your Microsoft account to log in to I don't know about you, but I want as few passwords as possible, so any opportunity to get rid of a password is great. Now, your password doesn't have to be one of those many passwords you have to forget/lose/etc. To associate a Microsoft account with an ...

NuGet Governance Model

Over the last couple of years, we've had the chance to meet with many individuals who both use and contribute to NuGet. One of the questions that has come up on more than one occasion pertains to how decisions get made for NuGet, especially decisions around which features are included in NuGet releases. This is an understandable question, ...

Starting Manage NuGet Packages for Solution dialog for projects under SourceGear Vault – issue and workaround

There has been reports that VS hangs when Manage NuGet Packages for Solution menu item is clicked. When VS responds again, it reports the following error: "Loading the projects is required to complete the requested action. If you click the Cancel button, project loading will continue in the background, and you can try to perform the action ...

Package Restore and Consent Changes

When NuGet 2.0 released, it included the requirement that in order to use package restore, you first needed to explicitly provide consent to the NuGet client to download packages over the Internet. This requirement added some friction to normal developer workflows, and it added more friction in build and continuous integration sever scenarios...

Friendly License Names

Yesterday afternoon, we enabled a new feature for both the NuGet gallery and the Visual Studio client (for NuGet >= 2.7) which will display the list of license names for a package in addition to simply providing a link to the license text. The big idea behind this feature is that it will aid in the decision making process over whether or ...

How to use XDT in NuGet – Examples and Facts

Starting with NuGet 2.6, XML-Document-Transform (XDT) is supported to transform XML files inside a project. The XDT syntax can be utilized in the .install.xdt and .uninstall.xdt file(s) under the package's Content folder, which will be applied during package installation and uninstallation time, respectively. One of XDT’s greatest strengths...

Issues uploading portable library packages [Fixed]

Starting September 3rd, some users started having issues uploading packages that contain portable libraries; on September 10th, we deployed a fix to address those issues. Errors Experienced Depending on how you were publishing your package, you would have experienced the errors in a few different ways. Upload Package page on If ...