August 23rd, 2021

Reminder: Breaking changes coming to the Microsoft Graph userPurpose API (beta)

Earlier this year on June 24, 2021, we announced upcoming breaking changes to the userPurpose API in the blog post Attention: breaking changes coming to the Microsoft Graph userPurpose API (beta)  – Microsoft 365 Developer Blog.

As mentioned in the earlier post, we will start rolling out the changes beginning August 24, 2021 as scheduled. During this time, API calls to the Microsoft Graph userPurpose API (beta) will fail. Please refer to the blog post for information about the fallback userPurposeV2 API during this downtime.

When the original userPurpose API is fixed and back up, you will need to switch back to the original API. Thanks for your cooperation on this, and your support to make Microsoft Graph a reliable, secure, and developer-friendly ecosystem.

Please reach out on Microsoft Q&A with questions.

