Microsoft Graph team

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Accessing Outlook items in a user’s archived, shared or delegated mailboxes using Microsoft Graph

We have noticed that a few customers are unsure about the right way to access Outlook messages and contacts in mailboxes other than the signed-in user’s primary mailbox (archive, delegated, or shared mailboxes). For example, some customers use one of the following API URLs to access Outlook items in another mailbox, using the item ID and the...

Microsoft Graph .NET SDK updates

It has been a while since the Microsoft Graph SDK team provided an update and customers have been asking us when the next update will be available. It is great to hear that people care! These updates took a longer to deliver than we planned as we made a few bolder steps towards our longer-term plans, and we had a few hiccups along the way. 

Microsoft Graph calendar events – iCalUId Update

The iCalUId returned by the Calendar event resource type in Microsoft Graph is defined as a unique, read-only identifier that is shared by all instances of an event across different calendars. It adheres to the RFC iCalendar specification of UID.

Microsoft Graph Cloud Communications APIs are now generally available

Now renamed the cloud communications APIs, we're excited to announce that the first set of APIs is generally available through Microsoft Graph v1.0!

Microsoft Graph insights API is now available in v1.0

We're happy to announce that the Microsoft Graph insights API is now generally available worldwide.

Microsoft Graph presence APIs are now available in public preview

Today, we're excited to announce the preview of Microsoft Graph presence APIs.

Upcoming API changes to return limited information for inaccessible member resources

Hi folks, Starting soon, when your application does not have access to some of the types in a response’s collection, a limited amount of information will be returned. When an application does not have access to a type of resource, we will no longer return a 403 when instances of that resource are members of groups, roles, etc. Instead, ...

The Microsoft Graph team wants to hear from you!

Have you got an application in production that depends on Microsoft Graph? Perhaps you’re still considering integrating with Microsoft Graph, or have feedback from using it in the recent past?

Ignite 2019: Microsoft Graph News

A lot of hard work goes into the planning and preparation for Ignite, but we’re always excited to showcase the progress we’ve made towards meeting our developer community’s needs and our company’s vision. The tools, capabilities and features we’re announcing this year support each.

Breaking changes: Calls and online meetings API updates in Microsoft Graph beta

We’re announcing several changes to the calls and online meetings APIs in Microsoft Graph beta, including a few breaking changes.