Microsoft Graph team

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New Insights APIs and the discontinuation of the Office Graph GQL APIs

In addition to exposing users' data, like who they are and what content they work with (files, messages, conversations, tasks, etc.), the Microsoft Graph also exposes calculated insights based on the

What’s new for Microsoft Graph Developers at Build 2017

At Build 2017, we announced several new Microsoft Graph APIs and capabilities, marking another significant addition to the toolset we offer to developers who build business applications and processes.

Delta query for Users, Groups, Messages, Calendar, and more, available in preview

Microsoft Graph provides a single API endpoint that gives you access to rich people-centric data and insights, via a number of resources like users and messages. Many applications need to keep track

Improved Trending Insight

In addition to exposing users’ data, like who they are and what content they work with (files, messages, conversations, tasks, etc.), the Microsoft Graph also exposes calculated insights based

Adding custom app data to Microsoft Graph now in preview

Microsoft Graph provides a single API endpoint that gives you access to rich people-centric data and insights, via a number of resources like users and messages. Frequently, developers want to

Update to Filtering and Sorting in the Mail, Calendar and Contacts REST API

Hi Partners and Developers,

People API replaces preview API for working with

We have started taking steps to replace the existing preview WorkingWith API ( by the new People API.

Upcoming breaking changes – FindMeetingTimes API on Outlook BETA endpoint

We want to give you a heads up on some changes that are coming to the FindMeetingTimes API which has been available in preview in the Outlook set of APIs. We are making these changes to further improve the API based on feedback, and these changes will be widely deployed over the next few weeks. The updated API will continue to be available in /beta and subsequently in the /v2.0 endpoint as we make the feature generally available.

Property Management Code Sample Updates Ship!

We are happy to announce we have shipped another update to the Property Management Code Sample in the OfficeDev repository on We’ve had a lot of success with previous versions of

OneDrive Webhooks and Large Uploads with Microsoft Graph

This week we're happy to announce two new Microsoft Graph features for OneDrive files: webhook notifications and large file uploads. This functionality is available on the Microsoft Graph beta