Brian T. Jackett

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30DaysMSGraph – Day 21 – Use case: Create plans, buckets, and tasks in Planner

In Day 20 we configured the base .Net Core console application to utilize the device code authentication flow.  Today we will continue with that path by extending this application to interact with Planner.

30DaysMSGraph – Day 20 – Use case: Device Code flow to authenticate users

In Day 19 we assigned user permissions to an Office 365 Group (unified group) using Microsoft Graph requests.  Today we'll introduce device code authentication and modify the .Net Core console application to utilize this authentication flow.

30DaysMSGraph – Day 17 – Use Case: Assign an Office 365 license

In Day 16 we extended the base .Net Core console application to create a user by calling Azure AD.  Today we'll extend the base console application to assign a user license in Office 365.

30DaysMSGraph – Day 16 – Use Case: Create user in Azure AD

In Day 15 we registered an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) application and created a console application using .Net Core.  The application uses a client secret and the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to establish an authentication context with the Microsoft Graph API.  Today we'll extend that application to create a user within Azure AD.

30DaysMSGraph – Day 15 – Microsoft Graph in .NET Core application

In Day 14 we discussed batch processing requests to Microsoft Graph requests.  Today we'll take a big jump and build our first project in .Net Core that can make calls against Microsoft Graph.

30DaysMSGraph – Day 14 – Batch processing

In Day 13 we discussed calling Microsoft Graph with Postman.  Today we'll look at the concept of batching that can help optimize your application by combining multiple Microsoft Graph queries.

30DaysMSGraph – Day 13 – Postman to make Microsoft Graph calls

In Day 12 we reviewed authentication flows for Microsoft Graph requests.  Today we'll look at using the Postman tool to make Microsoft Graph queries.

30DaysMSGraph – Day 12 – Authentication and authorization scenarios

In Day 11 we discussed Access Tokens which are crucial to make Microsoft Graph requests.  Today we'll look at the various authentication scenarios that are possible when querying with Microsoft Graph.

30DaysMSGraph – Day 11 – Azure AD application permissions

In Day 10 we discussed Azure AD applications created through the V1 endpoint.  Today we'll look at the permissions available and how to assign them to a user / Azure AD application.

30DaysMSGraph – Day 10 – Azure AD applications on V1 endpoint

In Day 9 we discussed how to register an Azure AD Application using V2 endpoint. Today we’ll look at registering an Azure AD Application using V1 endpoint that will be used to communicate with Microsoft Graph.