We wrapped up the #30DaysMSGraph series in Nov 2018. Since that time there have been a few updates to the Microsoft Graph SDK as well as the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). Notably MSAL for .Net and JavaScript are now generally available (GA) with v3.0.8 and MSAL.Net 4.0.0 is now available as well. This is a good opportunity to upgrade the samples in the dotnetcore-console-sample repo to leverage MSAL .Net v4.
In Day 29 we uploaded files to OneDrive with Microsoft Graph requests. Today we wrap up this 30 Days of Microsoft Graph series with a few community resources, ask for your feedback, and share a few next steps.
In Day 24 we concluded configuring implicit flow authentication on a single-page application. Today we'll extend the base console application to create a OneNote notebook, section, and page.
In day 21 we added plans, buckets, and tasks to Planner. Today we will be building on the .Net Core sample application started in Day 15 to add support for the device and app management functionality offered by Intune.