June 30th, 2018

Azure IoT Toolkit for Visual Studio Code generally available for managing Azure IoT Hub and Devices with ease

Jun Han
Senior Software Engineer

Last year, we release the preview version of Azure IoT Toolkit extension for Visual Studio Code. With our continuous development, the Azure IoT Toolkit has a rich set of features to help IoT developers manage and develop Azure IoT Hub in Visual Studio Code. Now the Azure IoT Toolkit is generally available with over 100K downloads and all 5 stars ratings.

Marketplace Version Installs Rating

One of the key feature for GA is the Azure IoT Toolkit supports the Azure Device Login to make you easily login to Azure and manage (create, select) your IoT Hub in VS Code.

Another important feature set is support for the Azure IoT Edge. Azure IoT Edge is a fully managed service that delivers cloud intelligence locally by deploying and running artificial intelligence (AI), Azure services, and custom logic directly on cross-platform IoT devices. With the Azure IoT Toolkit, you could manage your IoT Edge Modules and create deployment for you IoT Edge devices.

Below are the full feature list of the Azure IoT Toolkit, and we are continuously add more features to improve this extension to make IoT developers build, deploy and test your IoT solution in VS Code with ease.

  • IoT Hub management
    • Create IoT Hub
    • Select IoT Hub
    • Copy IoT Hub Connection String
  • Device management
    • List devices
    • Get device info
    • Create IoT device
    • Create Edge device
    • Delete device
    • Copy Device Connection String
  • Interact with Azure IoT Hub
    • Send D2C message to IoT Hub
    • Monitor IoT Hub D2C message
    • Send C2D message to device
    • Monitor C2D message from IoT Hub
    • Invoke Direct Method
    • Edit Device Twin
  • Interact with Azure IoT Edge (Install Azure IoT Edge extension for more IoT Edge support)
    • List Edge Moudles
    • Edit Module Twin
    • Create deployment for Edge device

If you have any feedback or feature request, feel free to let us know:

Useful Resources:


Jun Han
Senior Software Engineer

Jun is a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft. He focuses on developer tooling in Teams and APIs.


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