Showing results for September 2019 - IoT Developer

Sep 26, 2019

Visual Studio Cloud Explorer now supports Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service

Chaoyi Yuan
Chaoyi Yuan

In the world of IoT, there’re many device provisioning scenarios. For example, solution providers would expect a zero-touch provisioning to a single IoT solution without hardcoding IoT Hub connection information at the factory. The IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service is a helper service for IoT Hub that enables zero-touch, just-in-time provisioning...

AzureAzure iotdps
Sep 24, 2019

Debug Azure IoT Edge C# Remote Linux Module Container with Visual Studio 2019 Version 16.3

Renlong Tu
Renlong Tu

With the 16.3 release of Visual Studio 2019, it starts to support debugging C# in Linux docker containers. This new feature can help developers easily debug remote Azure IoT Edge C# Linux module container. Let’s see how it works. Prerequisites Setup Your Linux machine Setup Your Development Machine Debug C...

AzureAzure IoT HubAzure iot
Sep 20, 2019

Convert your docker-compose Project to Azure IoT Edge Solution

Xin Shi
Xin Shi

If you are a container expert, you may want to port your existing compose application to Azure IoT Edge. We are glad to introduce iotedge-compose to help convert your docker-compose project to Azure IoT Edge. Let us see how it works. Prerequisites Install the Tool and Convert a Sample Project Build...

IoT EdgeAzure IoT Edgedevelopment tools