November 7th, 2008

VS2008 SP1 Hotfix to Support “-vsdoc.js” IntelliSense Doc Files

Last week I mentioned we would be releasing a Hotfix to accompany our new jQuery VSDoc file.  This Hotfix is now available at the MSDN Code Gallery.  Here’s a direct download link for this small (2MB) patch:

I want to emphasize that this patch is intended for all JavaScript files, not just those related to jQuery.  Generally, we will opportunistically look for documentation files related to the script file.  For example, given “mylibrary.js”, we will search in the same directory for:

  • mylibrary-vsdoc.js, then if we don’t find it we will search for…
  • mylibrary.debug.js, then if we don’t find it we will search for…
  • mylibrary.js

The idea here is to keep the documentation file next to your runtime file, and we’ll automatically pick the right one.  If you already have a whole bunch of annotated “dot debug” files, there’s no need to rename all your files since we search for those also.  This logic applies to all places where script file reference are mentioned.  To recap, those place are:

  • Plain HTML script tags.
  • ASP.NET Script Manager tags (and Script Manager Proxy too).
  • XML Doc Comment Reference tags.

By the way, Hotfixes are normally targeted at the latest public Visual Studio release, which today is VS2008 SP1.  If you’re using VS2008 you will need to upgrade to SP1 before taking advantage of this patch.  We hope this will help simplify your code a bit!

Jeff King
Program Manager
Visual Studio Web Tools


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