December 6th, 2016

The week in .NET – On .NET on MyGet – FlexViewer – I Expect You To Die

Bertrand Le Roy
Senior Software Engineer

To read last week’s post, see The week in .NET – Cosmos on On.NET, GongSolutions.WPF.DragDrop, Transistor.


Last week, we had Xavier Decoster and Maarten Belliauw from MyGet on the show:

This week, we won’t record a new show, and instead I’ll post some of the videos I recorded during the MVP summit.

Package of the week: FlexViewer by ComponentOne

There are many ways to do reporting with .NET, and choosing one can be daunting. ComponentOne build, maintains, and supports a full lineup of components, including reporting. FlexViewer is an interactive report viewing component that works in WinForms, UWP, and MVC, with support for PDF, HTML, Office, and more. Their web site has a new four-minute tutorial to get you started.


Game of the week: I Expect You To Die

I Expect You To Die is a puzzle game built for virtual reality. Become an elite secret agent as you attempt to survive the deadliest of situations to complete your missions. Each mission will require superb problem-solving skills, intellect and agility. I Expect You to Die can be played seated with the use of telekinesis to grab objects out of your reach. As the name suggests – you will die. A lot. Each puzzle can be solved several different ways, and each death will help bring you closer to completing your mission.

I Expect You To Die

I Expect You To Die was created Schell Games using C# and Unity. It is available for Oculus Rift and will release for PlayStation VR on December 13th.

User group meeting of the week: Using C# for Data Access in Seattle

The .NET Developer Association – Westside – Seattle user group will have a presentation on data access in C# on Tuesday, December 6.




Check out the F# Advent Calendar for loads of great F# blog posts for the month of December.

Check out F# Weekly for more great content from the F# community.




And this is it for this week!

Contribute to the week in .NET

As always, this weekly post couldn’t exist without community contributions, and I’d like to thank all those who sent links and tips. The F# section is provided by Phillip Carter, the gaming section by Stacey Haffner, and the Xamarin section by Dan Rigby.

You can participate too. Did you write a great blog post, or just read one? Do you want everyone to know about an amazing new contribution or a useful library? Did you make or play a great game built on .NET? We’d love to hear from you, and feature your contributions on future posts:

This week’s post (and future posts) also contains news I first read on The ASP.NET Community Standup, on Weekly Xamarin, on F# weekly, and on Chris Alcock’s The Morning Brew.


Bertrand Le Roy
Senior Software Engineer

Bertrand has been programming since he was ten. He was an early contributor to ASP.NET, co-founded the Orchard CMS project, and he was also on the team that built .NET Core. He currently works on the Xamarin team on improving the Forms developer experience in Visual Studio and Visual Studio for mac.


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