Posts by this author

Mar 7, 2017

Reattach To Process in Visual Studio 2017

Sometimes when developing an application you can’t simply F5 to start debugging the application. In these cases you can use Attach to Process to debug. Many times if you need to debug this way, you will often need to attach to the same application repeatedly. In Visual Studio 2017 we have introduced Reattach to Process (Shift+Alt+P) to easily allow...

DevOpsGit & Version Control
Jan 24, 2017

Team Foundation Server 2017 and Kerberos Authentication

In Team Foundation Server 2017 we made a change to the default security support providers used by our IIS site for Windows Authentication. We didn’t anticipate this change attracting much notice, since we had ensured (through extensive testing) that there would not be any impact for existing TFS deployments and since we were making things simpler b...

DevOpsAzure DevOps ServerAdmin & Licensing
Oct 19, 2016

Test & Feedback – Collaborate with your team

In the previous blogs, we have gone through the first two steps – Capture your findings and Create artifacts. In this blog, we will take you through the third step i.e. Collaborate. Test & Feedback extension provides many ways in which teams can collaborate with one another to drive the quality. You can use the extension to share your findings ...

DevOpsAzure DevOps ServerTest
Jul 15, 2016

7 Ways to Look at the Values of Variables While Debugging in Visual Studio

When you are running your code and something is behaving unexpectedly, how do you find out what is going wrong? When I was in school the first way I learned how to debug a wonky application was by sticking “print()” statements all over the place, running my code, and looking back through the log of output seeing if I noticed that something looked w...

DevOpsGit & Version Control
Apr 6, 2016

Team Foundation Server Update 2 “Trial”

NOTE: This post has been updated since it was initially published. The earlier version mistakenly stated that TFS server licenses were free in TFS 2015 Update 2 and beyond. This is not the case. TFS Express can still be used free of charge for up to five users. You need a server license to use the full version of TFS in a compliant manner. You can ...

Mar 31, 2016

Using the New Exception Helper in Visual Studio 2017

Dealing with exceptions is a common developer problem no matter your technology or level of expertise. It can be a frustrating experience figuring out why exceptions are causing problems in your code. When you are debugging an exception in Visual Studio, we want to lessen that frustration by providing you with relevant exception information to help...

DevOpsGit & Version Control
Mar 31, 2016

Break on Exceptions Thrown only from Specific Modules in Visual Studio 2017

In Visual Studio 2015 we introduced the new Exception Settings window which provides you a quick way to configure the debugger to break when exceptions are thrown. As part of that window revamp, we heard that simply filtering by exception type is not always good enough, you need finer grained control over when the debugger breaks on thrown exceptio...

DevOpsGit & Version Control
Mar 30, 2016

Updates for Debugging Installed App Packages in Visual Studio 2015 Update 2

In Visual Studio 2015 Update 2, we added support to the Debug Installed App Package dialog for: Note that attach to process is not currently supported for Xbox or HoloLens, but we hope to add it in a future release. Debugging Installed App Packages Open the Debug Installed App Package dialog from Debug -> Other Debug Targets -...

DevOpsGit & Version Control
Mar 17, 2016

SonarQube: SDK to build plugins for Roslyn Analyzers released

Last month we announced the pre-release version of the SDK for SonarQube Roslyn Analyzer Plugins, the purpose of which is to create a SonarQube plugin for a Roslyn analyzer. We are pleased to announce that version 1 of the SDK is now available. We have made a few small but significant changes for the release version: Removed the need for the JD...

DevOpsCommunityOpen Source
Feb 18, 2016

SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild v2.0 released: support for third-party Roslyn analyzers

We are pleased to announce that SonarSource has officially released version 2.0 of the SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild and version 4.5 of the SonarQube C# Plugin. The release notes for the scanner and plugin list the bugs that were fixed, but the major change is that together these releases provide support for using third-party Roslyn analyzers with ...

DevOpsCommunityOpen Source