December 5th, 2010

Microsoft Tells What's Next for C++

 By chance,  are you among those who think that Microsoft is leaving native development in general and the C++ programming language in particular behind? You better watch this interview to Ale Contenti, Principal Development Manager with the Windows C++ team at Microsoft. [View:] [Can’t see the video player in this page? Try Channel9]   The interview was made by Christian Binder, Platform Strategy Manager with Microsoft Germany and Development Practices track owner in the still recent TechEd Europe 2010. Ale talks about key differentiators C++ offers today to developers, before other programming alternatives, but he also clears up any suspicion about Microsoft commitment to the language created by Bjarne Stroustrup by listing the efforts Redmond is doing for its evolution.

Ale had also delivered a session on ALM for C++ in that same conference.




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