Visual Studio 2017 RTM has shipped.
We could not have done it without you. Your suggestions and feedback on UserVoice. More than 6,000 of you have participated on the Visual C++ feedback forum and have cast thousands of votes for hundreds of suggestions.
This release includes 37 completed suggestions totaling 1546 votes from 772 unique community members. Did you make or add your votes supporting any of these suggestions?
- Please make it easy to installing 3rd party libaries globaly
- Add better support for cross-platform third-party build systems
- CMake project type integration like in CLion and KDevelop
- include graphics debugger in VS2012 Express Edition
- Option to stop indenting namespaces in C++ code
- Continue support for MBCS (Multi-Byte Character Sets) for MFC and C++
- Allow users to toggle IntelliSense completion modes (allow AutoSelect in the list of suggesstions) for Visual C++ in VS2012
- Make “Go To Definition” faster (C++)
- Improve C++ intellisense for pointers
- the IntelliSense is slow when “Parsing files in solution” in VS 2015, please speed it up
- C programming tutorial Migration from Windows to Unix based operating systems
- code metrics unmanaged
- Intellisense support for the official BOOST libraries.
- Include auto-complete for c++
- Separate ship line of Visual C++ compiler from Visual Studio IDE
- Add VS2015 links to “The latest supported Visual C++ downloads” (KB2977003) page
- Allow default template arguments for template functions
- Add the “Jump to .cpp” option to headers context menu
- Make C/C++ compiler (cl.exe) independent of IDE
- Decouple C++ compiler releases from Visual Studio releases
- Improve c++ intellisense to be at least as good as VS2008 intellisense
- Please give the C++ user an option to not single step into namespace std, boost, etc instead of requiring the user to use a registry hack.
- Automatic move constructors in c++
- Automate the installation of boost
- Support Visual C++ (C++/CLI) like C# or VB
- c++11 keyword alignas is not implemented
- Provide a intellisense functions at the Definition Window like
- Implement all C99 strftime formats
- Fix Intellisense performance
- I would like to see in future version of the Visual Studio sites the same templates for Visual C++ as they are in Visual Basic and Visual C#
- Add options to turn off parts of IntelliSense
- Support parameter info IntelliSense for structures
- Bring Visual C++ up to par with open source programs such as Eclipse and Netbeans
- One tab for .cpp and .h files
- One-button switch between header and implementation file. There is already a
- Make Intellisense work better with external test libraries
- с++ snippets
Remember, if you voted on completed items, your votes are returned so you can support other suggestions. And if you have not yet made a suggestion or voted, you can participate in Visual Studio by Help > Send Feedback > Provide a Suggestion.
We look forward to your feedback.