May 25th, 2009

Channel 9 Video: VC 10: Stephan T. Lavavej and Damien Watkins – Inside STL

As Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1was being released, Charles Torre from Channel 9 came over to the Visual C++ team to talk about some of our new features. On this visit he spoke with Stephan T. Lavavej and myself about our VS2010 STL implementation. As Charles says on the Channel 9 page:


 “We have already heard about many of the language improvements (auto, decltype, lambdas, rvalue references, …) all of which can be put to good use when using the Standard Template Library (STL). Here  …  tell us all about the latest version of STL. We talk about how the language features are enabling many improvements to the STL, with performance being a big  beneficiary. To realize these benefits we needed to update our STL implementation to leverage these new techniques, for example adding “move” semantics to STL containers. Additionally  when users of our STL implementation add “move” semantics to their types that they store in our STL containers then we hook into these as well.”


We hope you enjoy the video and please feel free to post questions/comments on the Channel 9 page – Stephan and I are eager to correspond with our STL users.




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