April 10th, 2008

Channel 9 Video: Andy Ayers – Understanding the Phoenix Compiler Framework

To celebrate the recent release of the next interim version of the Phoenix SDK (http://connect.microsoft.com/phoenix), we asked Charles to do another of his excellent Channel 9 videos on Phoenix (and it has been a little since the last Channel 9 video on Phoenix too.) Andy Ayers, an Architect on the Phoenix project, spent an hour talking about the design and implementation of Phoenix and the progress over the last year or so. As Andy says, the compiler is the ultimate paranoid thing; it always has to worry about what might happen although in practice the complete set of possible outcomes will never occur. Trying to provide an extensible framework in this situation, so third party vendors can innovate on top of Phoenix and build interesting analysis tools, is an intriguing challenge.

We hope you enjoy the video (https://channel9.msdn.com/Showpost.aspx?postid=396461)

Visual C++

Channel 9


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