Posts by this author

Jan 24, 2025

Revolutionizing Large-Scale AI with Janusgraph and Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra

JanusGraph is a high-performance graph database that offers flexibility in choosing storage backends. Apache Cassandra is a distributed NoSQL database known for its scalability and fault tolerance. Combining these two technologies can create a robust and efficient graph database solution. You can use the Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassan...

Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
May 9, 2024

Configure customer-managed keys for your existing Azure Cosmos DB accounts!

Encryption options for data at rest on Azure Cosmos DB that is available today. Azure Cosmos DB strives to provide the best-in-class security features. Encryption of data at rest is one such important security feature. Encryption of data at rest using Microsoft's service-managed keys is enabled by default. In addition to this default encrypti...

Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQLSecurity
Sep 5, 2022

Announcing Materialized Views for Azure Cosmos DB API for Cassandra Preview

Data modeling in the NoSQL world is driven by data access patterns. There are scenarios where it makes sense to duplicate data into multiple separate tables depending on the read/write pattern. This is even more important when you want to access the same information using different unique identifiers (not restricted to only the primary key). Wri...

Azure Cosmos DB for Apache CassandraAnnouncements
Jul 21, 2022

Monitor Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra using Dynatrace

There is now a new extension from Dynatrace that provides fully app-centric Cassandra performance monitoring for Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra. Monitor your clusters with Dynatrace Prometheus Extension Dynatrace Prometheus Extension allows you to monitor and analyze the activity of your Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra cl...

Managed Instance Apache CassandraAzure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra
Apr 26, 2022

Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API: A true differentiator with Autoscale

 Overview We know that Apache Cassandra, a wide-column NoSQL database, is a great option to solve the 3 V’s (Volume, Variety and Velocity) of data requirements. It is a given that data will grow as the business expands. Invariably you will need to expand the cluster to accommodate additional data and handle greater throughput. This load may be dif...

Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra