October 31st, 2018

Windows Console: CTRL + Scroll to zoom and Dark Theme Scrollbar

Rich Turner
Sr. Program Manager

Many of you have been asking for Windows Console to support zoom. Well, today is your lucky day! 😜 Install today’s Windows 10 Insider build #18272 and you can!

How does one perform this magic? After upgrading to Win10 Insider build #18272 or later, open any Console window (E.g. launch Cmd, PowerShell, WSL, etc.) and then hit and hold CTRL while scrolling your mouse wheel / trackpad.

The observant will also notice that Console now honors your Light/Dark Theme settings: If you are using the Dark Theme, your Console’s scroll-bar is also dark-themed! We call this the Halloween 2018 Feature 😀



Rich Turner
Sr. Program Manager

Geek, Nerd, Hacker. Fan of Rugby, Motorcycles, Skiing, Outdoor activities.


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    • Rich TurnerMicrosoft employee Author

      I've just posted a reply to the SuperUser issue you reference above which may prove useful: https://superuser.com/a/1516949/78527

      In short: We recommend that you download and install Windows Terminal if at all possible since we're unable to make many changes to Console for back-compat reasons. Windows Terminal is where we're plowing ALL our efforts, and which is improving leaps and bounds with each monthly release. In this month's release, you'll find a new feature that I think you'll like - stay tuned on this blog and follow @Cinnamon_msft and @richturn_ms for news and updates.

      Read more
  • charlie arehart

    Are you aware of any keyboard shortcut equivalent, for those of us who work without a mouse, and don’t leverage trackpad features that simulate scrolling?